✧*:.。.♛Unbreakable Bond♛.。.:*✧

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Note: I apologise in advance for any kind of typing or grammar mistakes. Also, I added some orkish phrases and some Dark Speech just for further enjoyment. However, it is important to understand that I don't have any real knowledge of these languages and, thus, it  can be incorrect. Happy reading!!!╰(▔∀▔)╯

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You had always been fascinated by the world of magic and enchantment. Growing up in the small village of Bree, you often spent your days reading books about mythical creatures and the powerful beings that controlled the elements. But little did you know that your love for magic would lead you to a forbidden love with one of the most powerful and dangerous being in all of Middle Earth.

It's been a year since you been taken by the one and only Witch-king of Angmar back to Minas Morgul. But what changed you the most was the feelings you held within you for your family. You were a poor family, yes. Just surviving with the little things your family had to offer. However, you sticked together and the warm bond you all shared was more invaluable than anything else. Or at least you thought so until that one particular night during summer you ended up as an offering gift. A sacrifice. One person for the safety of the rest. Without hesitation you where thrown to him like a rag. You stumbled over your feet landing harshly on the ground, dirtying your dress, and your hands where slightly bruised after grazing against the stony ground. You can still recall how you where a sobbing mess. You couldn't believe what was happening. Fear and anger both where consuming you. But the strongest emotion you felt that night was hurt, betrayed by your only family, who didn't even try to fight for you. You could hear heavy footsteps approaching you. He stopped right infront you. Mentally, you prepared yourself for the deathly strike of his sword that would end your life instantly. Surprisingly, the sword never came clashing at you. Instead, he kneeled down and grasped with his hand your chin. By the slight touch, you shivered lightly as the metallic gauntlet gave off icy feeling. Slowly, you travelled with your eyes to his hooded face and let out a shaky breath. It felt as if the time itself has stopped. Silence took over your surroundings, deafening the cries of your family. Your fear started to melt away and for the first time you felt a small whiff of hope that night. You came to realise that perhaps this isn't yet the end of your short life and you would live for another day. And fate seemed to agree with you, even as going as far as allowing for two different beings that where roaming these lands, through living and dead, to bond by love that blossomed ever after. What you only thought could be only a tale told in books became a reality. And now, here you are wedded to the witch king himself and becoming his loving queen bound together by a strong magic spell for eternity.

You giggled lightly to yourself while you were looking out of the window of your sleeping chambers, reminiscing your past. The view itself was not completely spectacular. The kingdom stood in darkness, where no green or living animals existed. The only light that illuminated the dark grounds of Monas Morgul where the ghostly greenish lights. And at some areas you would see orcs doing their duty, but you weren't now totally eager to watch them costantly. Let's just say they don't really display a nice and enjoyable view. You knew, of course being a human here, would cause disputes. There where many who would respect you regardless of your race as them being loyal to their master, namely their king, was much more important. And they believed if he decided upon this decision that it was the right way,  they wouldn't question it any further. But you aren't naive and foolish that everybody here held the same opinion of you. There were moments where some dark creatures would disrespect you. But none of them dared to do more. Not to mention infront of their king as this would mean instant and brutal death personally by him. Both, you and him, knew that he couldn't protect you constantly as there were times where he had duty to uphold by running some errands with his brotherhood for their Master Sauron. Meaning, he had to leave you behind for a few days, or even weeks. However, you weren't totally powerless. You had a few sword lessons at the beginning and he even promised to  teach you some flagitious spells that were strong and of virulent nature but wouldn't hurt your vulnerable body. You squeled again by this thought. Since childhood you had fascination for magic of any kind and you couldn't believe that there was this chance in your life of learning some, but you had to wait for his return. Your train of thoughts was cut short as you heard a knock at your door. "Enter", you spoke loud enough. The door opened gently and you turned around with a soft smile, knowing already who your visitor was. "My lady, I would like to ask if you would like some wine", the pale and slightly blueish orc with small physique asked you. He was your personal servant assigned by the witch king.

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