New York

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Phoebe and The Doctor followed them in the TARDIS it landed just under the state of liberty both The Doctor and Phoebe decided to stay in New York for a few days to oversee the aftermath of the sinking.

Over the next few days the two of them would be doing a full investigation into how actually this happened but visiting the wreck recovering anything they could examining the iceberg as well.

Both of them were determined to understand exactly what went wrong, and what happened the worst part was the press wanted to eat this up so The Doctor and Phoebe had to stop them mostly because they wanted to make the sure they people who died when down as heroes.

"Doctor before we get into this investigation I want to hand the letters out to wives of the husbands that died" Phoebe said

"Yes of course let's find them" The Doctor said

It turns out a lot of husbands had written letters to the wives last words and they had them to Phoebe and asked her to give them out which as much as it pains her to do so she figured it would bring the wives comfort.

"You really do care" The Doctor said

"Look I made a promise to those men and I wanted to keep that promise by passing on the letters first up Florette Guggenheim" Phoebe said

The Guggenheim house

Phoebe knocked on the door it  was a very grand looking house the house keeper answered the door.

"Can I help you?" The house keeper asked

"Yes I'm Phoebe and this is the Doctor I was wondering if I could speak to Mrs Guggenheim it's about her husband Benjamin Guggenheim" Phoebe said

"Yes of course come in I show you to the drawing" The housekeeper said

The drawing room

"Mandy what is it" Mrs Guggenheim asked

"Visitors Ma'am wanting to speak to you about your husband" Mandy asked

"Show them in" Mrs Guggenheim said

"Come in Phoebe Doctor" Mandy said

"Hello Mrs Guggenheim I'm Phoebe Stocks this is Doctor in afraid we have some bad news about your husband your husband died early hours of yesterday morning during the sinking of the Titanic he asked he to give this letter his last words to me were "can you make sure you give this to my wife Florette" and I was more then happy too" Phoebe said

"Thank you Miss Stocks" Mrs Guggenheim said

"Look we should get going we leave to read that letter" Phoebe said

"Of course thank you for hand delivering it" Mrs Guggenheim said

The Doctor and Phoebe left Mrs Guggenheim they  couldn't imagine how she must be feeling.

"I feel so bad for her losing you husband like that" The Doctor said

"Yeah she has kids and the fact she has tell them it heartbreaking come on I have the rest of these letter to deliver this is going to be a tough day" Phoebe said

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