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England was beautiful. Actually, that probably wasn't the right word to describe how nice it was. The scenery was so serene and calm, almost soothing. At least the part where they were filming season 2 was. Although this wasn't the first time Adeline has visited UK, it was the first time being in the countryside of England. They were currently set up to film some scenes at the Bridgerton country home and although is was a bit the cooler side, it was breathtakingly beautiful nonetheless. She couldn't wait for all the site seeing she planned to do. The stereotypical tourist thing to do. She has always been a big history nerd so she couldn't wait. Adeline had pretty much been introduced to everyone, who was on set today thanks to Johnathan who pretty much dragged her around like a new puppy on a leash. She didn't mind though she was still incredibly nervous and she knew he was just excited to introduce the best friend he talked to everyone about nonstop. She was currently off to the side watching Johnathan film a scene with Simone Ashley who played Kate. Adeline thought she was stunning and extremely talented. She was sipping on her water bottle next to Claudia and Phoebe making small talk when someone joined them.
"So you're the famous Adeline Johnathan is always going on and on about" she looked toward the voice to meet Luke Newton. 
"Yes I guess I am" she replied with a giggle and shy smile.  He stuck out his hand "I'm Luke Newton by the way, there's two Luke's so don't get confused haha"
Adeline chuckled, "It's nice to meet you" she returned the handshake with a warm smile.
"He is always talking about you, we could all tell he couldn't wait to have you here"
Adeline chuckled and timidly pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I didn't think he talked about me that much, he said everyone knew of me" Despite being an actress and in the spotlight Addy didn't like being the center of attention, she has always been shy and quiet.
"Oh he always talked about you, it felt like we all already knew you, apart from Nicola and Claudia of course. He got even more excited when you finally agreed to come stay for awhile, he kind of mentioned why you needed to get away, but didn't go into detail but we could all tell he's been worried about you" It made Adeline smile knowing Johnny cared for her that much. She was truly grateful.
"Yea there was this..incident, but it's all good now. I just needed to get away from everything for a bit so I finally took him up on his offer." She really didn't like speaking about it.
"Well we're all here if you need anything, we know how show business and everything behind the scenes can be" he did sound genuine but Addy still had a hard time opening to anyone. She quickly changed the subject, "So how do you like filming so far? I saw season one and I loved it, Johnny always talked highly of all of you too"
"It's been amazing so far. Everyone here is great and so down to earth. It's like a little family, on and off the camera, everyone's so fun to be around. Speaking of fun, we're all planning on going out tonight for drinks and what not, you should come it'll be a chance to meet everyone." Her first instinct was to immediately say no, come up with an excuse but she promised not only her friends but herself that she'd be more open to new things, and people.
"Oh my god, YES you should definitely come" Claudia said from beside her finally tuning in on the conversation.
"I think I will, it sounds fun" baby steps. baby steps she told herself.
"What sounds fun" Jonathan asked walking up to them, finished with his scene.
"They asked me to go out tonight, drinks and such, I think it will be fun" slightly sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than him. He gave her a protective look.
"Only if you're comfortable, we can go"
"I promise I'm fine, J"
With that they headed back to his trailer to get ready to leave.

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