Chapter 1

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Isabella's POV: I smile as I tilt my head curiously as I look at the statues of the mythical creatures as I walk around the met not listening to Mr Bruner's saying...I mean it's not like it's my trip. I'm volunteering with the younger grade for extra credits. I turn around smiling as I see Percy looking at the statue of Perseus," he's not gonna break Isa." I smile softly as I look over my shoulder to my best friend, Melody. I exhale softly before smiling at her, "I know...but I worry. Kids are brutal and you know h-well we don't learn like everyone else." I explain quickly my head snapping forward when I hear Percy call out for her mom. I was about to rush over when I heard an all too familiar voice.,"I'm right here sweetie mommy's here." I hear Nancy taunt Sharpley at her, locking my jaw as I hear Mrs. Dobbs, telling Percy to control himself," him? Maybe you should pay better attention to your students." Melody whispers shout I smile thankfully to her," he can't help it, Mrs. Dodd..Percy's special." I hear Nancy snark before giggling with her stupid friends, I paint a fake smile on my face before calmly walking over to the group, not even caring when I hear, Melody trailing behind me," Hey girls." I say they turned to me and Nancy Gopp harshly before painting, a small smile on her face," H~hey Isabella we didn't know you were the one coming. We thought that was chaperoning." I smirk knowingly. Girls in their grade preferred Khai to come and chaperone because they like to look at him and they don't pick on Percy when he's around," you would prefer that wouldn't you? I am only going to repeat these words to you so many times Nancy to all of you girls." I say, looking around at the group of girls before crouching down to Nancy's height and whispering," Leave my baby brother alone." Nancy Smirk, softly shrugging," As far as I know you're not in our grade you're not around 24 seven... You can't do anything to me." I look at Melody who cracks a smirk before we both laugh and stop just as I bring my face closer, whispering even darker to Nancy," Try me." She looks at me uncomfortably before she and her friends turn around to leave. I smirk as I high-five Melody I turn around about to go and check on Percy, but I see him talking to Mr. Bruner," Maybe he'll be just fine." Melody, smiling softly I nod my head in agreement before we continue to look through the met.

(Later on at lunch)
Percy's POV: I listen to Grover ramble on all about possible reasons why Nancy is a bully," Look I get that Nancy has issues. I'm just getting tired of her taking them out on me." I said honestly, I smiled gratefully as Melody and Isabella walked over and Isabella passed me a blue Mountain Dew," Tell me the next time Nancy starts picking on you again." Isabella says I shake my head softly, holding back a laugh Grover looks at her, shaking his head at her, and Melody grins," That's not funny... is she's terrified of you." Grover states I know my head in agreement looking at the two girls in front of me," She's scared of the both of you." Melody scoffed after she finished eating a piece of her veggie burger," are we that scary?" Scoff and the two girls in front of me before turning back to Grover," I feel like maybe it's time to do something about it." I tell him about Nancy. ," You can make an appointment to see Mr. Kane. He's good at talking-." I smile slightly as I cut him off.," I was thinking more like shoving Nancy in the nearest dumpster." I say in all honesty, Isabella and Melody grin widely. I roll my eyes as Bella ruffles my hair," that's more like it!" Grover tilts his head, "Ohh, oh no no no no no, No if there's one thing I know about bullies it's that you never stand up to them." Grover says I furrow my eyebrows," that doesn't sound right." I say. Bella shakes her head softly looking at Grover with her face full of confusion Melody raises an eyebrow," Look I know this place is hard for people like us... But we're not gonna be here forever. I mean look at Bella and Khai. They have hard times at this place too now not only do people love and fear them they're graduating a year earlier than they're supposed to." Grover, Melody, and Bella smile softly, nodding their heads," he's not wrong Percy you're not gonna be here forever." Melody adds. Grover nods his head grinning," there are better places out there." Grover cities smiling I snot my head understanding what he's saying, when suddenly a cheeseburger hits Grover's face in the bun hit me my eyes widen and as I look up and see Nancy," oops." she says dryly turning around to walk away. ," oh, that's it. Please Kick her ass." I hear Bella mumble. I shake my head as I run over to her. I was about to shove her in, but I hadn't even touched her. When she fell right into the middle of the fountain..... what the heck? , "Percy pushed me!" Nancy shouts in a whiny voice... No, I didn't!

Isabella's POV: I grit my teeth together after I hear that whiny little bitch accuse my little brother of shoving her.... first of all, he was going to but he hadn't even touched her when she fell in. I walk over to Percy to pull him away from the madness as I hear Nancy's little friends, going to check on her and screaming that Percy had pushed her when I hear something vibrating in his pocket," Is your phone ringing or-." I start to ask, but I cut myself off when Percy takes the pen that Mr. Brenner had given him out of his pocket, and it flutters in his hand," what the." I start to mumble when suddenly I hear Mrs. Dodd's voice from in front of us, "There you are." my eyebrows throat and confusion as me and Percy look at her, but her lips aren't even moving, we can still hear her voice," we're not fools Percy and Isabella Jackson." I tighten my grip on Percy as I step back slowly," Mrs. Dodds are you ok?" Percy asks cautiously.," It was only a matter of time before we found you." we hear her voice hiss I can feel my heart beating out of my chest as I watch in awe and horror as her sweater folds out into wings, and she morphs into something.... impossibly inhumane. we both continue to back away from her, especially when we hear screeching from her., "Percy..." I say, in a warning tone for him to get behind me, but he doesn't listen, "Where is it half-bloods?!" I shake my head softly," where is it!" I trip over my own feet as she flies into the air and sweeps down pinning Percy down my eyes flood with unshed, tears and worry as I watch her talent move against his cheek, when suddenly a bright light comes from her stomach...from Percy... a gasp finds its way out of my throat as I see nearly glowing golden sword in his hand, shoved into her stomach I gasped as she shrinks as she dissolves into nothing. I must've hit my head pretty hard, because after that black dots slowly take my vision.

(Later on)
I can't help but peace back and forth as I will be outside of the headmaster's office I finally allow myself to breathe when my twin walks in, "What the hell is going on?"Khai asks Melody was about to say something, but I cut her off," That psychopathic two-face lying bullying bitch Nancy Bobofit.. is what's going on she was bullying Percy and Grover again. Percy went to confront her after she threw a goddamn burger at him and Grover, and then she tripped and fell into the water. Percy was going to, but I saw him that he didn't even get the chance to put his hands on her." I explain furiously how the heck is my baby brother sitting in front of the headmaster and she's not?!," Bella she's a kid." Khai reminds me, Melody, not her head in agreement from where she's leaning against the wall," is that supposed to mean something to me our little brother should not be in front of the headmaster where is she? Don't they have a little policy for bullying or something?" I snark Between gritted teeth. I roll my eyes as I start to paste again, but I stop the minute. The door opens. And Grover walks away.," wait Grover, what just happened!" Khai shouts as Grover is walking down the hallway the headmaster and Mr. Brunner come out with Percy," Mr. and Miss Jackson.....miss Parker could you escort Percy to his room to gather his things?" my entire face falls at Mr. Brunner's," may I ask why?" Khai ask his British accent stiff restraining his anger," they called Mom." Percy says simply.." Percy, we talking to Mr. Brenner and the headmaster." I say softly. Looking at the two elder men in front of me.," And with all due respect, that's not answering the question .... Why does he have to collect his belongings?" Khai says sternly. Mr. Bruner clears his throat before the headmaster glances between me, Melody, and Khai," A lot of respect for the three of you you are on the honor roll, and some of our best students..... disappoints me to inform you that Percy has been expelled." I don't see another word I just look at Percy and frown at the look on his face before I drape an arm around him and pull him into a close hug and sigh as I feel Khai wrap his arms around the both of us, me,khai, and melody starts to walk Percy to his room the entire walk only one thing on my mind...... And it's been on my mind since earlier....what the hell happened with Mrs. Dodds?

Golden shadows(a Percy Jackson, and the Olympians fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now