Chapter Five

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Elijah sat down next to Klaus taking Olivia's spot. "So how was she brother?" Klaus asked being his usual sarcastic self. "Nothing happened if that's what you mean." Elijah responded rolling his eyes at his annoying brother. "Sure." Klaus said smiling to himself.

"So how was Olivia? It seemed like you two got closer since I left." Elijah asked. Klaus didn't respond right away. He took so long to respond that Elijah was starting to wonder if he even heard him. "It's not like that." Klaus said. Elijah shrugged his shoulders already knowing how this situation would play out.

"It's only a matter of time brother. You two are soulmates after all." Elijah responded. Klaus didn't acknowledge his brother but he feared that Elijah was right. He knew it was inevitable. Soulmates always found there way back to each other one way or another. But he still hoped that this time would be different that it wouldn't end the same way it did last time and the times before that.

"I feel like this time it's different. She won't be hurt again. She has more power this time. A werewolf side and a witch side." Elijah said thinking out loud. "I really don't think it'll happen again." He said practically reading Klaus's mind. That's the thing about spending over ten centuries with one person you start being able to understand each other without having to use words.

"I hope you're right." Klaus said. He was telling the truth about that. He did hope it wouldn't end the same way it has before but he had this sinking suspicion that it would end up ending even more tragically then before.


Hayley was in fact out of the bathroom when Olivia arrived but what Elijah failed to mention was how oddly calm she was being. Olivia found her sisters behavior strangely unfamiliar. She wasn't used to her sister being so chill and Olivia found herself wondering what Elijah had said to her.

"So, I need to know something." Hayley started after a moment of silence. They were both sitting on the bed and facing each other. "What is it?" Olivia asked genuinely curious as to what her sister might say. "Do you consider me your sister?" Hayley asked. Olivia was taken back by that question. She was not expecting that.

"Of course." She answered automatically. She didn't know why Hayley would have to ask that question but she figured she was probably just self conscious. "But you still want to find your birth family?" Hayley asked. Olivia inhaled sharply before answering. "Yes." She said waiting for her sister to get angry like she normally did.

But her sister was calm as she answered. "Okay, that's understandable since I also want to find my birth family. But let's make a promise to each other." Hayley said grabbing Olivia's hands and holding them. "Promise me that no matter what we find we will always be sisters." Hayley said.

"Okay, I promise." Olivia said. "Cross your heart and hope to die?" Hayley asked. "Yes." Olivia responded. Hayley relaxed letting go of her sisters hands. "Good." She said sighing. Olivia noticed that now that her sister didn't have anything to focus on she seemed exhausted.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Olivia asked her sister genuinely worried about her. "No. You know I can never sleep by myself." Hayley said. Olivia did know that but she wasn't the one who decided they'd sleep in separate rooms. "So, I'm going to sleep." Hayley said getting underneath the covers. "Okay." Olivia said watching her sister as she turned out the bedside lamp.

Olivia sat there in the darkness for a moment before deciding to get up and head to her room which was actually Klaus's room. "Are you really going to make me ask?" Hayley said from the darkness. Olivia hesitated in the doorway and looked back at her sister. "Probably." She answered. Hayley sighed and mumbled the question, "will you please stay with me tonight?" She asked.

Olivia smiled to herself thinking she should play a game with Hayley. "I'm sorry what?" She said. "Would you please stay the night with me?" She asked again a little bit louder this time. "Sure, but only because you had a rough time sleeping last night." Olivia said climbing into bed next to her sister who moved closer to her.

"You know you're so spoiled." Olivia said. "Says the little sister." Hayley responded. "Haha." Olivia responded. They both snuggled in closer getting comfortable. "Goodnight big sis." Olivia said. "Goodnight little sis." Hayley responded. They sat in silence for a bit and just when Olivia was on the verge of sleep Hayley mumbled the words. "Never leave me." And Olivia knew she wasn't getting any sleep anytime soon.


The next morning Olivia still hadn't slept so she sneaked out of the room careful not to disturb her sister. She made her way to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. "I thought you didn't drink coffee." Klaus said from behind her. She jumped slightly spilling some of the coffee on the counter. "Jesus. Where's the napkins?" She asked but Klaus had already cleaned it up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said. Olivia chose not to look up from her unmade coffee. "You didn't." She lied after a minute. Klaus let it go knowing she was probably in a bad mood. "I never said I didn't drink coffee." Olivia said. "I know. I just didn't think you drank that much." He said.

Olivia shrugged not bothering to respond. Just then Elijah walked in to make his own cup of coffee. "So is Hayley still asleep?" Elijah asked. "Of course she is." Olivia said smiling. Hayley was not a morning person and anyone who lived with her could tell you that. "What's with the smile?" Elijah asked curiously.

"Just remembering the time a cop woke me and Hayley up because we were sleeping on a bench. Hayley yelled at the officer and got herself a warning but the officer promised to leave her alone as long as he could get my number. I was 17 and I didn't have a number so I made one up." Olivia said reminiscing.

Elijah and Klaus exchanged a look with each other that seemed to promise vengeance. "Please tell me you're not going to go after the officer." Olivia said. "We're not going to go after the officer." Elijah lied but Klaus was already making plans to track him down.

"What are you idiots talking about?" Hayley said walking through the doorway. "We'll look who's up?" Olivia said grinning at her sister and handing her a cup of coffee. "Shush." Hayley responded gripping the cup with both hands and taking a sip. She hummed with satisfaction.

"So any plans today?" Olivia asked the group. "Probably kill some people." Klaus said. "You're coming with me out to the buoy. I was thinking maybe we could find some answers there." Hayley said gesturing to Olivia. "Okay. Oh and Klaus' don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it." Olivia said following her sister back to the bedroom.

Both Olivia changed out of the current clothes into more appropriate clothes for traveling through a swamp. Olivia chose to wear tights, combat boots, a skull t-shirt, and a black and red flannel. While Hayley choose to wear her jeans, a blue tank top, combat boots, and her favorite leather jacket.
The girls felt like they were ready for battle even they hoped they wouldn't have to hurt anyone on their journey but you never know with werewolves.

I'm so sorry this chapter took a while to write because I kept getting distracted.

Even though Valentine's Day has come and gone I still want to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day.

I hope you're have in a lovely day and feel free to tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments.

Hopefully I'll be able to get one more chapter out before March. I also have a Saint Patrick's chapter planned for March so can't wait to start writing that.

Anyway see ya next time.

Peace ✌🏻

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