𝖛, new kid?

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naomi walked through the school halls holding her books in her hands as had broken her backpack the previous day.

well she didn't really break it, lily had tried to bring draco to school and used her backpack and it snapped. resulting in him landing on the ground.

anyways, new topic.

the past month naomi had gotten closer to the percy jackson cast. she would hang out with aryan and charlie frequently and they felt like older brothers too her. 

she hadn't seen leena, walker, or leah at all really. since they lived somewhere else and school was in session. 

but she had kept up with everyone and got pretty close with everyone. which she never excepted to happen but it did. 

it was pretty nice having so many friends. normally it was just her and lily.

her thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into someone dropping her books on someones foot.

"oh i'm so sorry."

naomi looked up to see a boy she had never seen before. he must have been new. he had a head full of brown curly hair. eyes the color of milk chocolate, and freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose.

"oh i don't think i've seen you before. are you new?" she asked as she picked up her books.

"yeah, moved from new york. but here let me help." the boy said helping the girl gather her books.

"oh i've always wanted to go there." she pointed out.

"oh cool." he nodded.

they both stood there for a second before naomi let out a nervous laugh. "well i should probably get to class." she said motioning to the room. he nodded and she turned and walked into the classroom. 

naomi walked to her seat next to lily who was playing subway surfers on her phone. she nudged the girl trying to get her attention but she didn't budge. of course she had to resort to the last option and she grabbed her phone from her causing the her to lose the game.

"come on naomi! i was about to beat my high score!" she whined trying to grab her phone back but the girl put it out of her reach.

"who's the new kid." asked naomi pulling out her notebooks and setting the girls phone on her desk.

"we have a new kid?" lily spoke. the girl nodded. "yeah he's from new york."

lily shrugged her shoulders and said she wasn't sure who he was. "what was he cute or something?" she smirked looking at the girl who quickly shook her head.

"what no no no. i was just curious." naomi insisted.

"i don't know why your even worried about this new kid, you have walker." lily said nonchalantly.

naomi's eyes bugged out at the girl. "ew lily we're just friends."

"kinda harsh don't ya think?"

before naomi could reply the bell rang the classroom filling up with the remaining students and the teaching starting to speak.

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