Chapter 3

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~Addison's POV~

"Wh- what are you doing here?" I stuttered immediately recognizing the figure in front of me as the man from the coffee shop earlier today.

"Hello again... this is for you" he said reaching out towards me, holding my journal in one hand and a coffee that suspiciously looks like my exact order in the other. I slowly accepted them, placing them on the bench and began fidgeting under his intense gaze.

"Um... thanks but you didn't answer my question" I focused on his sparkling blue eyes. Luckily he couldn't tell since I still had my sunglasses on.

"Sorry, mind if I sit?" He asked. Not waiting for a response he sat next to me, so close I could nearly feel his body heat radiating off of him, and he turned his body towards me. "Cute dog by the way". He rubbed Charlie's back for a moment before looking back towards me.

"Are you following me?" I asked seriously, ignoring his comment. I nervously began tapping my heel to the ground, making my knee pop slightly with each movement.

"Oh god... no" he laughed. "The barista told me you usually walk by this time of day and I just wanted to return your notebook. She also told me your order so I wanted to bring it as an apology. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable this morning and I promise I didn't read anything" he motioned toward my journal.

My body relaxed. I guess that makes sense.

"Oh okay... well thank you I appreciate it." I took a moment to admire his appearance behind the comfort of my sunglasses. He wore a grey long sleeve v-neck that tightened around his arm muscles and black jeans with a small rip in the knee. I could see the veins popping on the back of his hand that rested on his thigh. A pair of Nike's finished off the look.

"I'm Lo-Liam by the way" he reached out to shake my hand.

"Addison" I accepted and immediately felt the relaxing warmth of his hand as we shook.

"Wanna walk together for a bit?"

My eyes grew wide at his forwardness. He is not shy at all... what could he possibly want from me? I mean look at him. He must have some ulterior motive.

"Look I appreciate you returning my journal, and for the coffee but I really need to get going, someone's expecting me." I stood up after placing my journal back into my bag.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't realize. I thought you were single" he looked down seemingly upset.

"I am it's just... I prefer it that way I don't do the whole dating thing, sorry"

"Gotcha... well it was really nice to meet you Addison. If you change your mind you have my number"

"You too. Bye Liam" I pulled Charlie's leash before we turned and walked back toward Ms. Patty's apartment.

What did he mean I have his number?

I shrugged it off and walked home after dropping Charlie off.

I stepped through the front door of my second floor apartment and tossed my bag onto the floor next to the shoe mat. Placing my keys on the hook above it, I flipped the living room light on, set the now watered down and nearly empty coffee cup on the kitchen island and made my way to my bedroom. Lifting my jacket up over my head, I tossed it toward my laundry hamper as I dropped to my bed, staring at the ceiling.

What a weird fucking day.

My phone rang from inside the pocket of my jacket but I didn't move a muscle,  choosing to ignore it as I let my mind go blank. A while later, I groaned as I pulled myself off of my comforter and walked back towards my closet. I grabbed an old, grey dance competition t-shirt and pulled it on over my sports bra before leaving my room again. In the kitchen, I had to stretch on my tip toes reaching for my white water bottle on the top shelf of the upper cabinet next to the electric stove. I quickly filled it from the tap and wandered out down the hall towards the eighth floor gym.

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