Chapter 7

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"Explain then" she said...

"First of all I want to say sorry for being that way to you! I know you only did it to help me." 

Eleanor rolled her eyes, looking away.

"I know you think I'm a complete arsehole right now, and I understand you! But please just listen to what I'm saying.

I was extremely confused when you came to visit me that night, okay? I had had a major fight with Liam, and was close to letting go of my life... And when you came, I was so relieved and happy for you being such a great friend, but I was still sad and annoyed, and I let that go to you. It was not fair at all, but I was very confused at that point, and when you said I needed to pull myself together, I felt a big irritation because I was so jealous of you and Louis' relashionship, everything went great for you guys, and I was on the verge of a breakdown. It didn't seem fair to me, but now I see that was totally unfair - you were just trying to be a good friend." I felt the tears stream down my face. 

I lifted my hand to dry them off, as Eleanor began to speak:

"I understand all of this you're saying Dani, but there's still so much I don't know about the new you. 

You aren't the same person anymore, especially the whole thing I confronted you with that night - about Liam and you." she looked at me with confusion

"I promise you El, I changed for a period of time, but I've found myself again this past week. All of this has truly made me think about the things that were suddenly missing in my life. 

I've missed you like crazy! I've missed the boys like crazy and I miss the old life, where we used to go to Starbucks every now and then, after we went shopping buying crazy stuff." 

"But Dani, it's just.." 

"Please El! I can't live without you and your amazing personality. You need to be there for me! Can you promise me, you'll be there for me?"

Eleanor looked at me with tears in her eyes. She looked mad. 

I felt the dissapointment as I saw the look on her face - a big lump full of regret and sadness was building in my stomach - bigger and bigger. 

I looked down to the ground, feeling my teary eyes becoming more and more watering. 

I looked back up at Eleanor who stood with the same look on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. I just kept on looking at her, confused of what to do, when I suddenly saw a small smile form on her lips, growing bigger and bigger while the tears kept on escaping her eyes. 

"I think I can!" she said, smiling at me. 

I let out a grin that got mixed with a sob and made a weird sound. 

Eleanor laughed at me: "What the hell was that sound?" 

I grinned back at her: "Shut up!" I said, as I ran over to her and gave her a big and warm hug. 

I felt the relieve float through my body as I felt her arms hug me back tightly. 


"You have 20 minutes, 'till you need to be done!" Helena yelled, as I was putting on lipstick. 

I jumped over to my jacket, where I pulled out my phone. 

I went on twitter, seeing what people had tweeted me. 

Mostly it was compliments and some with a bit of hate too, but a lot were also desperate yells for me and Liam to get back together. It was weird that they could get so emotional for two people they didn't even know! 

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