Chapter 4

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And there he was, he looked like himself. Except for his hair, it was shorter.

He looked at me with big eyes. And I just looked at him in shock. 

We stood there, the others surrounding us. Everybody was quiet. 

My breathing was quick, I felt like I couldn't breath.

I was shaking, feeling extremely nervous. 

Minutes went, but it only felt like seconds for me. I couldn't believe he was standing right here in front of me.

And suddenly.... 

"Hi" Liam said out of breath, he sounded like he felt the same way as me.

I swallowed and let out a small "Hi"

"How... ehm.. how are you?" he asked me quietly. 

"I'm good, you?" I asked him

"Good.." he nodded putting his hands in his pockets. 

I tried to let out a small smile, it didn't work.

We began looking at each other again - just simply staring.

Suddenly a sneeze was interrupting us. I looked to my side, where Niall was sneezing. 

I had totally forgotten they were here, looking at us. 

"Sorry" Niall said, blushing. 

I looked at Eleanor, she was looking at me with a kind of look. I couldn't tell, what she wanted. 

"I... I should probably go. I'm kind of tired" I said, looking at the boys. 

"But Danielle, already?" Eleanor said, looking at me like I was dumb, and there was something I had missed. 

"Yeah, I've worked hard today with training, so I probably.. yeah.." I said, looking down.

I went over to Eleanor to hug her. 

She hugged me tightly and whispered, so only I could hear: "You miss each other, do something!" 

I let go of her, and looked in her eyes.  I didn't know what to answer, so I just went on to hug Louis, Zayn and Niall. 

When I had hugged Harry, the only one left was Liam. 

I turned around to face him. 

"Ehm.. well bye then" I said. 

We slowly went towards each other. He pulled his arms out towards me nervously, I went in to them, and they tightened around me. 

I put my head on his shoulder, and felt his familiar scent find me. 

There was nothing that could beat his pleasant smell, and I couldn't help but breathe in the scent. 

As I did that, his arms tightened even more around me, and I knew he did the same as I did. 

In that moment I realised how much I actually missed him. I missed his kisses, his hugs, his wonderful personality, just him. 

Maybe Eleanor was right? 

I felt his arms loosen around me, and hid my dissapointment by looking down to the ground.

"It was nice to see you again" he said, smiling a sad smile to me. 

I just nodded and went out of the kitchen to the hall, where I put on my coat. 

As I came home, I threw myself on the bed, hoping to fall asleep, but I couldn't. 

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