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"Thanks Florence!"

Adrien Volkov, a frequent visitor of the infirmary and son of Ares, said grinning down at his Spider-Man bandaid.

"No problem Adrien! Hey, I don't wanna see you in here for the rest of the week, you hear me?" Florence, the now 18 year old, scolded. "Yeah, yeah, whatever" He said rolling his eyes, she gave him a look and he sighed "Okay, no major fights for a week, got it" Florence nodded, happy with that answer "Okay, now scram because I have actual patients." Adrien hopped off the bench and nodded "Bye Flora!" "Bye Adrien!"

Florence turned around to sort out the shelves, putting everything in order of colour, when she felt arms around her waist. She squealed as she was spun around by none other than Luke Castellan, her boyfriend. Once he put her down she hit him and laughed, "Hey! That wasn't funny!" "Then why are you laughing? I thought you loved my jokes." She scoffed, a grin sitting on her face "Well I suppose it was a nice surprise" She kissed his cheek and turned back around to continue her task, whispering under her breath trying to remember where she was. She could still feel Luke's presence behind her and she turned slightly "Is that all? Or are you waiting to say something?", Luke just shrugged, a small smile on his face "Just admiring you."

Florence fully turned and laughed at him "That was so corny!" Luke frowned "Oh come on that was cute! You didn't think that was cute?" Flora shrugged, now completely abandoning and forgetting what she was just doing "I never said it wasn't, it was just also extremely cheesy!" Luke grinned and took her hand "Fine, yes, it was a bit cheesy but you loved it." "That's debatable"

Luke laughed and brought her close, resting his head on hers, "I did actually come here to ask something of you though." "I thought so." Florence smiled, pulling away and looking up at the taller boy. "What is it?" "I was hoping you could talk to Annabeth for me? She keeps going on about this quest stuff and I'm concerned she's gonna drive herself mad over it." Florence raised an eyebrow "Have you tried talking to her?" Luke nodded, scoffing as he remembered his attempt "Yeah, she doesn't listen to me like she listens to you. She likes you more." Florence chuckled, "I'm very likeable, I'll talk to her don't worry."

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