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chapter one (i) : moving home

y/n cardinal copia is the name of a girl whose father, papa emeritus iv, sang for and was responsible for the band ghost. He is pretty well known and so are his ghouls aether, swiss, sodo and rain. They've sang covers of songs and made their own, some being ones I've worked on with my drums before they got a drummer however now they don't who will take the drumming position?..with the tour coming up next year it's going to be hard finding a drummer in time.

I was moving back home originally to become another sister of sin to help papa out, cardinal copia to you but to me he's just my dear old dad. he'd had to fire most of the sisters as they mysteriously went missing. how? i don't know myself nor will he tell me, he just says 'i don't know what happened to them my child' so i've stopped asking.

when i got there i pulled up on my harley davidson, getting off and walking through the double doors up front. it looked and smelt just the same as it did when i used to live there when i was younger. it had an aroma of smoke and roses, its what i call 'homely'. as i dragged my travel trunk through the door a rather handsome man approached me before my father came scurrying round the corner 'she's pretty' the man said.
'yes and your ugly' a taller man with a mustache and short brown curly hair said barging the other guy aside. i soon learnt his name was swiss when papa told him 'swiss take her bag to her room'. the man took my bag and walked off down the hallway with it while papa brought me into a tight hug, 'its nice to have you back my child, i really could do with the help' he chuckled

'its no problem pops, i don't mind whatsoever, besides i missed being home' i told him hugging him back. once the hug split up i noticed the guy from before over papas shoulder almost staring into my soul and once papa turned around and noticed this too he pulled him forward and held his shoulders while saying 'don't mind him he gets a little shy around new people..he just needs a little time to get to know you that's all.' he paused before adding 'sodo this is yn and yn this is sodo'. i looked at sodo for a while and nodded 'its nice to meet you' i smiled. it took him a moment to snap out of the trance he was in but once papa nudged him he eventually smiled back 'y-yeah you to' he stuttered before blushing slightly.

'should we go see your room then?' papa asked. 'id like that' i chuckled. i followed him down the stone hallways that smelt more like cigarettes the deeper we went and eventually reached my old room. i opened the door to see everything left exactly how i left it, not one thing had been moved or changed around. 'you kept my room..and exactly how i left it?' i asked turning back around to face papa. 'well of course i did my child, i told you that you'd always have a room here and i meant it' he smiled. he'd always told me he would never touch the room and that he'd keep it how i left it, the same way he said there would always be room for me at home but i didn't think he would actually stick to his word on not touching a singular thing in here.

i walked over and hugged him while tears found there ways to my blue spruce eyes 'thankyou dad it means a lot' i told him. 'no problem kid' he smiled wrapping his arms around my shoulders. we stayed in the hug for a few more minutes before i pulled away to walk around my room 'ill come check on you later okay?' papa said walking out the room 'okay' i replied as i sat down at my old desk looking at my feather pen and bottle of ink remembering how i used to sit there and write down papas lyrics as he told me them. as i reminisced on my childhood i couldn't help but get the feeling of being watched. i looked towards the window and heard what sounded like tapping so i slowly got up and made my way over there slowly.

as i approached the window i got ahold of the curtain and threw it back to a reveal a small crow pecking at my window. i let out an audible sigh as i didnt feel scared anymore, of course that was until i turned around to see swiss stood at my doorway with a massive smile on his face, 'you fucking idiot! you could knock next time to at least let me know your there or something!' i snapped. 'calm down dickhead, your going to have to get used to us creeping up on you and scaring you. its like the best part of living here! you don't know when one of us are going to jump out and scare each other' he chuckled.

just as he said that a man near the same height as swiss jumped out of the wardrobe and scared me for the second time, however i got that scared i swung round and punched him accidentally 'shit i am so sorry' i said moving my hand to cover my face. the man rubbed his cheek before turning to me with a smile on his face ' guessing your y/n' he said holding his hand out. 'y-yeah..nice to meet you, are you alright?' i asked shaking his hand. 'never better' he chuckled before letting go of my hand and walking over to swiss

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