第一课 : 序言(Introduction)

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The weather was beginning to get cold.
The trees no longer wearing their coats of leaves.
The winter was coming.
And so was a person.

Yangyang had not been to the city in a long time.
He did not have to until he got the news that his father had sadly passed away and he now inherited his family's entire company, a prestigious fashion company.
A company he did not want to own and a father he didn't want to ever see again, not even at a funeral.
But he had to.
Even though he hated his father to the bone.
He hated the way that he had been a toxic man fueled with anger. He hated how his father had ruined his childhood before it even began.
He hated that his father led his mother to suicide.
He hated that man, but finally karma had hit him, just like the truck that killed him that night.

Yangyang stepped inside his old apartment.
He had not stopped renting it for some reason, but it turned out to be a good idea, even though he had spent too much money on it already.
He finally got to leave 2 years ago to "expand his knowledge of the world and how his father's company could market to other countries" His plan had worked until his father stupidly got killed while he walked drunkenly out of a bar and suddenly ran out on the road filled with fast cars driving past.
But at least Yangyang had money now.
He could finally do what he wanted to....he just had to be the CEO of the company first.
At least he knew his father had an assistant who luckily enough weren't so stupid that he walked out and got ran over by a goddamn truck.
He had never met this assistant.
He only knew that he was a bit odd and people said he was quite handsome to look at.
Some even said he looked hauntingly beautiful.
So at least he could get the pleasure of seeing a pretty face in that awful workplace he thought, as he took his jacket off and laid it neatly on the top of his chair.
He then walked to his wine fridge and took out a good red wine and poured it up in a glass.

As he grasped around the tall glass, he then walked to the big floor with a ceiling window.
He took a sip and let the flavours jump on his tongue, before letting the dark red liquid go down and fill him with warmth.
He was back and even though it wasn't his plan, he would make sure of getting the most out of being back in the city.

"God I need more alcohol!" He said as he took a big swig of his wine.

(A/N) Hello again. New year new story (which I hope I finish without any problems). I hope everyone is doing well and taking care in this new year.

If the updates are slow, I'm sorry, but I'm currently going through a lot of stuff with family and university 😅
Where the family stuff is sadly quite serious. 2024 will be a year for my creativity, to spend time with family members and friends who respect and love me.
It will also be a year filled with goals.
And I hope all of you's year will be a roaring succes.
May your year be filled with happiness and be prosperous!

Also a disclaimer English is not my first language, so if there's any grammatical mistakes and such, then that is why.

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