Chapter 55: The Honoured One

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Gojo: “Nah, I’d win” *Standing up to face the six heroes. They were shocked to see that none of Their attacks had even worked and the fact He stood there so perfectly fine taunted Them*

-Gojo took a step forward but He stepped on a few of Shinso’s smoke bombs that Yanagi tactically planted and blew up in Gojo’s face

Monoma: “Pin Him down!” *Mineta took the order quickly and threw to detain Gojo in a prison of sticky hair*

-While the hairballs did not touch Gojo, it slowly wrapped around Him which impaired Him, enough that the rest of Them could encircle the Joestar safely. Monoma circled around Him, a few small rocks in His palm He intended to super size and apply double impact to

-Throwing the sharp rocks that grew to the size of house cats, the vague statue of a humanoid made out of hairballs faltered and ripped to shreds

Monoma: “What?!” *Approaching the impact sight, The group were shocked to see Gojo no where in sight, just a giant zipper on the group where He once stood*

Mina: “Dude! You killed Him so hard, You turned Him into a zipper!” *They heard crawling coming from below Them*

-The rubble and unstable ground shuffled as Gojo rose up and hit both Yanagi and Mina with Sticky Fingers. The two girls unraveled into multiple severed limbs and body parts and were detained just as quickly. Mineta tried to flee the battle but Gojo smirked

Gojo: “Love Love Deluxe! Kill’em!” *A humanoid female form manifested besides Gojo with great hair. Suddenly, Mineta found Himself flying back towards Gojo with a pulling sensation on His scalp* “I'm surprised I haven't used My hair manipulating stand against You!”

-Wrapping the midget up in a prison of His own hair, He wrapped the pervert and detained Him. In a span of only 30 seconds, Gojo has managed to detain three people

-That just leaves Him with three more people from 1-B to contend with. Nirengeki launches Him to body slam the menace while applied with Double Impact to put the hurt in while Kyodai had an assortment of small items in both hands to use against Gojo, Monoma did the same and combined many of His stored abilities

Gojo: “Green, Green Grass of Home”

-Nirengeki and Yui synchronized Their attacks, striking from sides but as the male got closer and closer. He found Gojo getting farther and farther away all while the rocks Kyodai threw shrunk

Nirengeki: “What the?!” *Now the size of a pebble. A dark humanoid on all four adorning a pale white mask, crawled towards the vastly smaller hero and trapped Him in a jar*

-He repeatedly hit the glass with Double Impact which would have cracked His prison but the stand threw Him out of it and grew Him back to size, but by the time He grew back to normal, Gojo had already detained Him, same with Yui Kyodai which leaves only Neito Monoma left

Gojo: “Colour Me impressed Monoma! The only other person to actually damn near hit Me!” *He slowly clapped as He walked towards Him* “But still, I was rather unimpressed with Your performance… in fact, You’ve all bored Me rather quickly… here I was expecting a challenge from My classmates”

Monoma: “Aren't You being a little too cocky right now? It's Your classmate You’re talking about” *He stood with His guard up, unwilling to even let His mind slip lest His take advantage of it*

Gojo: “I have mostly stripped away My pride the moment the source was taken away from Me. A shadow of My former self, I’ve been forced to accept the truth for what it is and realise I’m no different from anybody on this Earth. Still so incredibly handsome and powerful, but still normal”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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