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❥ "𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘?" I said, the shock settling into me.

I didn't want to focus on my dad. Grant Ruth. He was alive, and Tobias Hawthorne wanted me to find him. I still had so many unanswered questions, things I needed to find out.

My father died on Hawthorne Island with Toby Hawthorne. In the last hour i've learned a lot about my family (courtesy of Jameson) so let me explain:

Grant Ruth was Tobias Hawthorne's most trusted guard, which is why he never expected for him to fall in love with an outsider. A nobody. My mother, Sage May was an outsider.

She came from nothing. And when they collided, the Hawthorne's weren't too happy about it. They called her a con woman, and claimed she was using Grant.

When she got pregnant with me, nobody knew. Not until Tobias Hawthorne discovered the truth a week before I was born. Him being Hawthorne, he had power. And that power took me straight into the hands of Tobias and out of my mother's.

"We only met her a few times." Jameson had told me. "I don't remember her much, but I do know she died. She was really sick.. and Tobias wouldn't help her."

Sage May.

"Where is Grayson?" Avery said, looking out the window.


"One kiss," He had said to me. "One kiss that you'll really remember."

I needed to focus on other things.

"We are this close," Jameson Hawthorne said, hunger appearing in his eyes; the kind of hunger only he held. Not even Avery could match him.

"I don't understand any of this," Avery was pacing around the room. "Toby died. But he didn't— because he's Harry." she turned to face me, eyes wide. "What if Grant—"

"I don't have any secret companions like you." I said, not even allowing her to think about the possibilities. Grant Ruth— my father, had his entire life to come and find me.

Because in a way, I was always looking for something— someone too. Toby Hawthorne had been in his daughter's— still don't really know— life.

A sinking feeling circled in my stomach, the feeling of realization.

Grant Ruth didn't care to come find me.

"I still can't believe you own a football team," I said, slipping on my shoes. It's not every day you get to go to a football game, let alone one in which your sister owns one of said teams.

"You think I can?" Avery flopped onto her bed. "I don't even want to go. This is all Alisa and her desperation to clear up all the rumors."

"Fair enough." me and Avery— more me— haven't exactly made Alisa's job easier since arriving. I didn't expect my crazy ex to join the picture, better yet Grayson Hawthorne.

Almost as if she could read my mind, she said, "Have you talked to— you know.."

"There's nothing to talk about," there was lots to talk about, but I just didn't want to. And as much as I used to confide in Avery, things have changed.

I've changed.

Trying to move past the fact that Avery lied to me— all our lives— has been harder than I thought. I know she did it out of good reason, for our mom, but it still hurt. Libby knew too.

Ricky must have known.

"We need to go," Avery said, grabbing her phone and mini bag. She gave me one last glance, "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

I nodded. "Mhm."

"This is—"

"Amazing?" I finished Avery's statement. Amazing didn't even express what this was. We were in a box, way up high above the football field while others watched.

"I'm so glad you like it," the door to the room opened and Jameson Hawthorne walked in, a smirk playing at his mouth. I knew that smirk.

"What are you up to?" Avery beat me to it.

Jameson didn't say anything, and when the door opened wider I was met with a mesmerizing pair of icy eyes and blonde hair. Hair that I had run my hands through less than a day ago. Hours ago.

"He's here too," Jameson said. "This could be fun!"

"So what is this?" Avery said, hesitance laced in her voice. "A double date?"

Grayson didn't dare to look at me, and a sharp pain slashed through my chest. I knew we weren't going to be anything, evidently, but this?

We might as well have been strangers.

"Heiress," Jameson moved towards Avery. "I think you might need to read the room."

God help me.

The first thirty minutes were less than pleasant, but I was able to make do. It didn't help that Jameson kept looking between me and Grayson, but I think Avery told him something because eventually he stopped.

So now, I was watching the game in front of us. In truth, I had no idea what was going on, but I'd do anything to avoid Grayson, whose shoulder was bumping against mine every so often.

Avery and Jameson were off in the corner talking, and the silence between me and Grayson was palpable.

"So," Grayson said, his voice strained, "Do you watch football a lot?"

"Um, not really," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I've actually never gone to one."

Grayson finally looked at me. "Never?"


God, this is hard. He's looking at me with that Grayson look and all I want to do is kiss him but I can't. We can't.

Before he could respond a loud noise erupted in the air and my heart dropped to my stomach because the only thing going through my mind was i'm going to die.

Flashes of the woods and blood everywhere run through my mind and the only thing I can see is red. I think i'm on the floor but I can't remember.

"Oh my gosh—"

"Help her, Gray—"

Arms are around me, moving up and down my shoulders. "Shhh, it's okay," Grayson. "relax."

"D- did you hear?" my voice was weak. "It was a gun—"

"No, it wasn't," Grayson caressed my cheek with his thumb. "you're just freaking out, okay? I'm here."

Nodding, Grayson pulled me up. Nothing felt okay, and nothing felt like it would ever be again.


in a little bit of a slump but we good ig


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