Chapter 53 Birthday Boy

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Over the past week Kate and I have worked flat out together in preparation for my move. The things I want to take have been boxed up but to be honest I'm not taking much seeing as I'm keeping my apartment going. My work equipment has been placed in a grate ready for transport along with my motorbike. Sebastian's friend Joseph has agreed I can store it at his garage while in New York which I am more than happy about. The only other stuff I'm bringing is personal items such as clothes etc and more sentimental items like various photos and some books. I figured anything else I need I can just go buy whilst over there. If there is anything specific I want Kate has agreed to parcel it to me. I've had numerous meetings with clients to discuss the move and how it will affect my business. Most are supportive and will continue to be on my books for future jobs and likewise I will remain on theirs. Only one or two were not happy with losing me  to America but I was able to reassure them that I will always be willing to come back for jobs if needed, hopefully alleviating their fears.

The check up with the doctor went well. My ribs are healing nicely and he was happy with the rate the bruising was going down. My medication has now been reduced and I should only take it if absolutely necessary.  I still cannot train yet though, the doctor advised gentle exercise starting with swimming. Urgh boring!

I miss Sebastian like crazy. We have spoken often on the phone, sometimes late into the night when neither of us wants to end the call, but it's not the same. I miss his touch, his embrace, I miss him and it has led to several tearful moments when I think about it too much that Kate has walked into. She is always there for me and when I move I'm going to miss her too. Josh has been an absolute star sorting all the legal side of stuff out for me. Although I work out in America often living there comes with a whole side of different issues and one of them was I needed a visa, so Josh sorted that for me.

Today has been a fairly emotional day, while sorting through my storage unit my motorbike was in I stumbled across a lot of my dad's stuff. Kate helped me lug it home and together we went through it all. It was stuff I had just put away after his death and never really looked at. It turns out he set up a trust fund for me when I was little that I didn't know about. Josh investigated and it appears I now have a half a million pounds to my name, just sitting in the bank. It will really come in handy just now seeing as I cannot work at the moment. There were also several letters from my mum to me,  starting before I was born right up to a few months before they died. I only scanned the first couple and although they were sweet it made me sad that I hadn't found them sooner. I had just locked the boxes away and forgotten about them. 

At the end of the week, on Sunday night Kate and I were sat on the sofa drinking tea. I catch her watching me intently.

"What?" I ask, swallowing my mouthful of my tea.

"I was just thinking" she states placing her cup down on the table and relaxing back on the sofa.

"Care to share?" I ask.

"Mmmmm, well......It's just, what are you waiting for?" she muses for a moment "Fuck it Jo why don't you just go, now, I can see how much you're missing him" She states taking hold of my hand "Book your flight, go to him, leave all this for me to deal with". I look around my apartment a little speechless for a moment. Kate squeezes my hand. "Honey, please I hate seeing you so sad". I go to deny it but she stops me. "Jo you're miserable without him and you know it". She's right I am.

"I feel really bad leaving you with all this Kate" I state, feeling like I'm putting too much on her when she's always been there for me in the past.

"I offered honey, it's no biggy" she replies and pulls me into a hug. "Now get on that computer and book a flight, you might be able to get out there for his birthday on Tuesday". I smile back at her, it would be really nice to share his birthday with him.

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