Chapter 11

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Man that took a lot of me. My body is aching as I collapse on the couch.

"Here yeah go baby pop" a one eye rocker girl says as she gives me water.

Her name is Cherri Bomb, Angel recommended me her to sing and she's fucking amazing. The perfect voice for my song. She knows about my gift and she just gets amazed by it the more I play.

"Shit this is gonna fucking rock at the ball that king is throwing." She says as she takes a shot for whiskey.

As I drink my water I start to feel a little better. That time I felt more powerful as I played. Part of me holding back my full power but I'm afraid it will too much.

"Yeah I hope so..just pretty nervous..about it.." I tell her honestly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Nah you're gonna be bloody great." Cherri gives me a thumbs ups.

"It's not's just there is gonna be a lot of Overlords and's kinda intimidating.." shaking a little as I say that.

"I can always bomb the place.." she smirks as she twirls a bomb in her hand. I sweat at that.

"How about we save that for plan B?" I giggle as I drink more.

"Suit yourself. Anyways you have kings shortie protection. Ain't fucking nothing gonna happen"

She does have a point. He's the King of Hell and I have his mark of protection. He won't let his part of his deal down. I will be fine.. I man he's the strongest...


The door get kicks open to hard it breaks down. Both Cherri and I look up.

"I made chocolate pancakes~" Lucifer comes in singling that words with tray of three stacks of chocolate pancakes, he's also wearing a pink apron.

Both Cherri and I look at him, thinking how did this man become King Of Hell...

Lucifer's POV

"I thought you two might be hungry...I'll get that door later...anyways dig in~" I say as I walk to them, placing the try in the table.

"Fuck I can eat" this Cherri girl says as she takes a plate.

Y/N just smiles at me and giggles. What is she laughing about?"

"Pink really suits you..." she says while still gigging.

What does she... oh crap I'm still wearing the apron!

"I uh shit!.."I rip it off me and burn in my hands. Fixing my jacket I then wink at her. "Now that better"

Y/N just laughs at my actions. Fuck this woman make me do things! I look like a complete fucking fool!

"Thank you very much for pancakes. I was hungry. Are you going to join us?" She smiles down at me.

"Yes!...uh..I man..uh yeah can I made the food" y say as I try to act cool. I hope it's working.

As we sit and drink I glance at Y/N as she talks about her performance. She looks really excited to play this song. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing g her play, my worry for the other Overlords at the ball bothers me.

Hopefully our practices with controlling it will helped with that. If they see her at her full power it will be a fucking blood bath, every Overlord will go after her. Even with my mark and protection some fucking things can pop up.

After we eat Cherri leaves. I probably won't see her till the day of the ball. I walk Y/N back to her room, she looks so tired.

"Lucifer..." Y/N begins to speak.

I look at her with concern.

"Is it's alright with you...can I..maybe..have once day with you at the ball?" She ask quietly as she rubs her arms, look f away. Her face slight blushing.

My heart just exploded I my chest when she asked me that. She want..she wants SHE WANTS TO DANCE WITH ME!!

"I uh yeah..why yes! I would be happy to dance  with you!" I say as I get excited.

She smiles to brightly at me, leans down and kisses my forehead lightly.

"Thank you...goodnight." Y/N then goes in her room and closes the door.

My face blushing so red I pull my hat down to cover my face with embarrassment.

She...kisses me forehead...

The King's Violinist (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now