Paranoid ocd

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What's the time? Will everything go right? I'll be late if I don't go to sleep at midnight. If I don't tap you twice enough in the same way a natural disaster will be provoked. If I didn't take 10 swallows of my drink I would have choked. The light is too bright, the dark is too dark in the night. What am I supposed to do if my routine goes south? I can't do anything with these fingernails in my mouth. Where do I go when my fridge is empty? My hands will shake when that is what I see. Afraid of people on the bus. At everything uneven is say a cuss. Big, tall, small, short. Where is the nose of Voldemort? Why the fuck do I keep counting everything and why do I cry whenever I can't do it again if I loose count? Damnit.

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