Loved one (please don't take this serious)

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Loved one

"Rest in peace" they say. But is it really true?


You're not a good person n'or have you ever been one. :)

Suck a cock.

It's another ADHD spiral. 17 tabs open, 4 of them lagging, one is a virus and where the fuck is that music coming from?

It's scientifically proven for me to be a 90's fucking nokia computer 9000 where they just play natural geographic documentaries on about my life.

"Now she's being a bitch, such an amazing creature, last of its kind."

&nd yourself.

That sentence has been playing on repeat for the last 40 000°C days on an afternoon in Afrika. I don't like Afrika.

I just write whatever comes to mind and BOOM, fucking comedy thing. I don't want to make it a paragraph but I'm sure it will be. Fucking dislaxia.


If you say "sheep" you never fucking know if you're talking about one or multiple fucking sheep.


I'm a sheep.

I want to come up with a word for either multiple sheep or one sheep so there is a difference.

For sure when my friend drops his pen and goes to pick it up and full on slams his head into the table when he gets back up so you almost piss yourself and tear up trying not to laugh at him for suffering. Lol.

I'm sad.

What the fuck there was a car and now I have to pee. What if that car just decided to change its course and drive into every single student's bicycle? Oops. Nipples.

I fgrogot me glasses.

It feels like there's a bird in my nose that's supposed to be in the chemistry teacher's ass.

I already forgot what I was originally going to write. Bet it was about death?

I think my best friend likes to be buttfucked. I won't ask because he'd throw my laptop out of the window and take a shit in my school bag.

Is this like some personal diary now??? English is hard.

Someone sneezed and scared the shit out of me. :) Bless you whore.

I'm going to burn a baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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