434 14 3

May 28th 2022

Gwen woke up to Larry shaking her. She went to lunch him but he then pinned her arms to the bed.

"LARRY!" Gwen yelled as she tried to get her arms free. "LET ME GO!" He let go and backed up.

"We are filming today!" Larry said with a smile.

"For what?" Gwen asked. Nobody said anything about a video being filmed today.

"We are getting stuff for Isaac's cooking video" Larry said. "Meet ya down there" Larry left the room and Gwen sighed. She got up, closed her door and looked through her closet. She picked out a black crop top that had a car on it. Along with that, she picked out a pair of camo green cargo pants. She put on her black Nike dunks and walked down the stairs to see Nick filming Larry. All the boys had chefs hats on. Oh boy.

"There you are" Nick said as he walked over with a chef hat in his hand. "Put this on" Gwen sighed and put on the hat. Nick started filming her and Gwen just gave a thumbs up to the camera. Nick then explained that they were going to Costco to get supplies for Isaac's cooking video. The boys then all put on aprons and piled into Nick's car. Gwen was already in the car and saw that they all put on aprons too. Gwen sighed and Nick started the car. Tanner, Larry and Gwen were in the back while Isaac and Nick were in the front. The drive was pretty loud which is typically for the group of people in the car. Once there, everyone got out and Larry had a booklet of coupons. Nick started making fun of him when Larry was yelling about they needed to save money. Isaac took the coupons and crushed it into a ball and walked away. Gwen watched Larry as Nick tried to cheer him up. It worked and they all walked into Costco.

"I don't know why you guys choose Costco. It's not gonna have a lot of stuff there." Gwen said.

"No, I'm sure we will find everything we need to make our food." Tanner said.

"Yeah stop being a hater Gwen" Nick said.

"Ok, I'll keep quiet then" Gwen said. They walked down all the way to the food section and looked around for croissants and mini hot dogs. Isaac found the mini hot dogs but it was a big ass hot dog.

"I'm gonna be real, I think we should get the fuck out of here" Isaac said as he put the wieners in the cart. Nick and Isaac started to argue. "Tanner, where are the croissants?"

"They're here, they are definitely here" He said back. They all walked to the front and saw the line to check out and they all decided to leave.

"I fucking told you guys Costco was a bad idea." Gwen said as they walked to the car. Nick and Larry kept talking about Sam's Club and how it is better then Costco. Everyone got in the car and they all agreed Walmart would be the best option for them. Gwen looked at her phone while they all talked about how Walmart was the king of dropshipping. She saw two messages from Blake.

blakie poo
im bored

I've got a little bit of free time to text but tn we can call if you want.

blakie poo
alright that sounds good but what are you guys doing rn?

getting food for isaacs video
we went into costco for stuff but they had nothing so now we are going to walmart

blakie poo
oooh yeah Costco isn't good for food items loll

im so sorry but we just got to walmart
I'll call you later when we are both free

blakie poo
talk to you then winnie
have fun :)

Gwen put her phone away and got out of the car after Larry got out. Isaac was walking ahead and speaking when Nick told him he couldn't hear him. Isaac then turned around and yelled what he was saying into Nicks camera. Gwen chuckled and they all walked in. Nick, Isaac and Larry all went to the food section of the store while Tanner and Gwen went to the toy section. Gwen looked at all the toys and saw hot wheels. She needed some more for her room so, she looked through them. She saw one that looked like a Kei Truck and grabbed it. After looking through all of them, she had about three or four in her hands. She went to go find Tanner and found him looking at girl toys.

"Tanner" He turned around. "Why are you looking at girls toys?" He was right in front of the doll section. He never went into the girls section.

"Oh, my sisters kid is turning one so I gotta get her a toy" Tanner said. Gwen nodded and helped him look for a toy for her. They picked out a baby doll that was wearing a pretty lavender dress. Tanner then also picked out a toy phone and they went to go meet up with the rest of the guys. When they came back, Isaac was helping a lady get something that was high up and out of reach. She saw the camera and she immediately asked why they were filming. Isaac told her it was for college and that they were freshman in college. The lady left and Gwen put the items in the cart.

"There you two are. We thought you guys just left" Nick said. Gwen chuckled and shook her head.

"Nope, just getting random stuff" Isaac grabbed the pudding and put it in the cart. All of the group walked up to the front and checked out. Larry and Tanner tried to make Isaac get a buzz lighter bag but Isaac put it back. On the way back to the car, Nick filmed all of them running to the car and Tanner pantsing Isaac. Tanner and Isaac put the stuff in the trunk and then got in the car with everyone else. The drive home was quiet as everyone was tired and not in the mood to talk. Gwen pulled out her phone and messaged Blake.

i can call in like 10 mins
we just got finished shopping for isaacs video

blakie poo
ok, call me when you can
ill be ready

The car finally arrived at the house and Gwen rushed inside. She took off the chef hat and ran up the stairs to her room. She started up her PC and opened discord. She started calling Blake and he picked up, not even twenty seconds after.

"Hi Winnie" Blake said. He turned on his camera and Gwen turned on her camera. "you still wearing the bracelet?" Gwen showed her wrist to the camera and it was still on her wrist. Blake smiled and showed his wrist to the camera. His bracelet was still on. Gwen smiled.

"How was your day? Did you go shopping for the video?"

"Nah, I insta carted" Gwen rolled her eyes.

"You never leave the house dude, you gotta go out more often" Blake shook his head.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Besides, I'll be in the house soon and I'll go out with you" Blake realized what he said and turned red as Gwen laughed.

"You'll go out with me? Is this your way of asking me out?" Blake nervously chuckled.

"No, I meant like getting out of the house with you since you always want me out of the house" Gwen smiled.

"We can totally do that when you get over here. Speaking of, when are you moving over here?" Gwen asked.

"Probably in the next month or so. I have everything i need basically packed."

"Wait a minute,"

"What?" Blake asked, confused.

"You have a cat, what are you doing with him?"

"Oh, he's gonna go live with my friend who is moving into the house" Gwen nodded. "Anyways, wanna play some siege?"

"Absolutely" Gwen said as she booted up some Rainbow Six Siege. The two spent the rest of the night playing siege and talking about the most random shit. Gwen knew one thing for sure. Her feelings for him were growing stronger. It was getting bad as she was thinking about him 24/7. She had dreams about him multiple times. Gwen knew she had to tell him soon before she blurted it out and ruined everything between them. But for now, she can focus on siege and ignore all the hints Blake was trying to drop on her.

an yay new chapter! make sure you share this story around as it helps me out a ton. thank you all and I'll see y'all next time :)

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