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AALIYAH was at her house in her bed as notti laid almost directly on top of her. He was usually at her house most of the time now. They got something interesting going on so they have been on good terms.

Aaliyah was currently watching her tv as notti softly snored. But her phone randomly dinged on the bedside table as she turned her head seeing the flash.

Aaliyah just sat there not paying it any mind as she continued watching tv. She wasn't about to stop what she was doing because whoever was texting her most likely didn't want anything.

But 10 seconds later her phone dinged again, and the phone was right besides notti's ear so he groaned loudly from his sleep very annoyed.

Whoever was texting Aaliyah was about to get their ass beat.

Notti then repositioned himself making himself more comfortable as Aaliyah kept running her hands through his hair.

But of course her phone dinged again as she sighed loudly. "Can you hand me my phone please?" Aaliyah asked turning her head to notti.

Notti then grabbed the phone annoyed. whoever was behind the phone was pissing him off. He was about to give it to Aaliyah before he saw the name "mark 🤍" laid on the screen.

"Yo bro.." notti said with a stank face as he paused causing Aaliyah to look at him. He never called her bro so she was very confused at to why his mood all of a sudden changed.

"who the fuck is this." Notti said as he immediately turned his head to Aaliyah mugging her. Aaliyah just looked at him confused until he held the phone up showing her the contact.

Aaliyah then made a face because she knew she was now caught up. She just scratched behind her head awkwardly as notti shook his head before he sat up from the bed.

"Notti! Notti listen- nah bro you cut worda my motha." Notti said immediately pissed off as he grabbed his shoes putting them on. Aaliyah just got out of her bed following him.

"Notti just listen- nah I'm cool on everything you got it." Notti said not wanting to hear anything else. Just as the two were getting somewhere Aaliyah had just fucked it up.

"Seriously? You can't be mad at me when you did all of that other stuff with those bitches, we not together right? That's what you said!" Aaliyah said loudly as she then grabbed notti's arm.

Notti just yanked his hand back as Aaliyah stood infront of him causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Notti closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He really didn't want to hurt the girl from his anger.

"Aaliyah move." Notti said annoyed as he clutched his fists. He was getting more pissed off and Aaliyah wasn't making it any better. 

"No, you can't be mad at me for that I don't even text him back notti." Aaliyah said practically pleading for notti to believe her, but he wasn't having any of it.

Aaliyah was still standing there tears threatening to spill any moment as she hoped notti would stop. But it was looking like he made up his mind and Aaliyah didn't know what to do.

"Notti just listen- Aaliyah." Notti said cutting her off. he was trying to keep his calm, but Aaliyah wouldn't move and he was getting more and more fed up.

"Would you just listen!" Aaliyah said putting her hand over notti's arm stopping him as her voice cracked. But in result of that notti grabbed Aaliyah by her wrist. And tightly

"Notti you're hurting me- fucking move Aaliyah!" Notti yelled as Aaliyah quickly sat down on the bed. Notti then opened up her room door as he went downstairs leaving the house.

As soon as Aaliyah heard the front door open and close she broke out into straight tears. She didn't know who to blame, Zoey? Mark? But who could she really blame but herself for letting it happen?

Aaliyah just went over to the side of her bed as she grabbed her phone calling notti. And of course he didn't answer. She wasn't even worried about her now throbbing wrist, she just wanted notti to come back.

She was so tired of this, the two were just good now it was ruined.

Aaliyah then went to his contact as she decided to text him. Was it really her fault? Her and notti weren't together. But this clearly affected Aaliyah way more than it did notti.

Notti answer the phone
Delivered 5:30pm

Notti you can't be mad at me, you said it yourself that we weren't together bro.

Fuck you notti seriously I hate you

Seeing that her texts weren't delivering anymore  made Aaliyah just cry even harder. She then just slumped down onto her bed as she powered her phone off. She really couldn't be bothered with this.

Aaliyah just laid her head in her chest as she continued to cry. Event though that wasn't helping anything, it helped her fall asleep just like that. As soon as her and notti actually get somewhere of course she had to fuck it up.

She didn't know how much more she could take.

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