another bonus chapt!

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TUHHHH 😂😂😂!!!!

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TUHHHH 😂😂😂!!!!

i be reallll nice on here, cuz i'm really a asshole in real life 😭, but trust, i'm not famous & i damn sure argue. but i'm not finna let no hoe get me outta character 🙈, so that's all i gotta say, but yall enjoy yall bonus chapter ml's i luv ya 🙊🙊🙊💋


AALIYAH sat up from her shared bed with notti as she sat there quietly. she kept telling notti how tired she was earlier, but now that the time actually came to go to sleep, she was woke and energized.

aaliyah turned her head to her fast asleep boyfriend as she smirked deviously.

she started patting his shoulder quickly as notti let out a groan. "what ma? go to sleep." notti said groggily before aaliyah heard his soft snores again.

"i'm not tired, can you wake up?" aaliyah asked politely as notti quickly shook his head from her question.

"well i am, now cmon and go to sleep." notti said once again before he grabbed aaliyah and wrapped his arms around her.

he had her in a tight embrace so she wouldn't move. so aaliyah waited around a minute very quietly before she slowly slipped out of his embrace.

aaliyah let out a loud huff. if notti wasn't going to wake up with her asking nicely, she would just have to make him get up.

aaliyah searched on her bedside table for the tv remote before grabbing her phone and flashing her flashlight.

and unfortunately, it wasn't on her side of the bed. so she flashed her flashlight once again, and saw exactly what she was looking for on notti's bedside table.

aaliyah rolled her eyes annoyed before she turned the flashlight off. she then scooted closer to notti before reaching over him in an attempt to grab the remote.

but she quickly lost her balance. and accidentally fell on top of the boy. notti hurriedly bolted up before looking at aaliyah who avoided his gaze.

"aaliyah." notti said taking a deep breath before looking back at his girlfriend.

"aaliyah, please." notti said pausing before closing his eyes. "can you just go to sleep ma?" notti asked once again as aaliyah shook her head quickly.

"go to sleep, i'll be quiet." aaliyah said with a slight smile as notti just shook his head before laying back down.

he stared drifting back off to sleep. and that's when aaliyah slowly sat up from the bed.

she walked over quietly to the tv that sat onto the dresser before cutting it on. the bright light flashed throughout the room, but thankfully notti's head was under the cover.

aaliyah then walked cautiously over to notti before grabbing the remote that laid on his bedside table.

she then smirked before going to youtube on the tv. she scrolled until she found a sexyy red playlist and clicked on the first song that displayed.

about 2 seconds later, sexyy red started playing at the loudest volume causing notti to shoot up from the bed.

he hurriedly ran over to the tv before unplugging it. aaliyah just sat there with the remote, and notti shot her an angry look while holding the plug to the tv.

he then let out a deep breath before throwing the cord onto the floor. and aaliyah just sat there quietly.

"what is it? you hungry or somethin? why you not sleeping." notti asked calmly while crossing his arms as aaliyah just scratched behind her head awkwardly.

" that you mention it i am kinda hungry." aaliyah said as notti shook his head, and she let out a laugh.

"whatchu want?" notti asked looking at the girl tiredly as she shrugged. "i'll eat tomorrow, we can go to sleep now sorry." aaliyah said as she then let out a yawn.

notti just let out a sigh before going back over to the bed. and aaliyah followed him.

they eventually got in, and aaliyah wrapped her arms around the boy. notti quickly did the same, and this time he made sure his grip was secure.

"goodnight my stinkalink." aaliyah said as notti looked at her before letting out a laugh from her antics.

"goodnight, now please go to sleep." notti said as aaliyah laughed before nodding. and the two then drifted off.

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