Chapter 23 - the Portrait of Salazar Slytherin

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In the aftermath of the tumultuous events at Hogwarts, a somber atmosphere had settled over the school. The students moved through the hallways in hushed tones, their faces marked by grief and uncertainty. The absence of Albus Dumbledore, the once guiding light of the wizarding world, left a huge void that seemed to cover every corner of the castle.

As the days passed, Victoria felt a growing urgency to unravel the mysteries surrounding her lineage and why she was here. She knew that there will be nothing she can do soon, she knew Harry, Ron and Hermione would embark on a journey to find Voldemort's other horcruxes. They hadn't told her but she knew. Victoria had witnessed the darkness encroaching upon Hogwarts, and now, she sought answers that could potentially shape her own destiny. With a heavy heart, she approached Draco Malfoy, the one person who might hold the key to unveiling the truth. The one person she wanted to protect most. She still hadn't told him that Voldemort had threatened his life if Victoria does not join him, she knew he'd give his life up. She couldn't allow that.

One night, under the shroud of silence, Victoria and Draco made their way through the dimly lit corridors to face the familiar portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Draco explained: "I'm sure you already know this, but the portrait might reveal whether you, Victoria, carry any of Tom Riddle's blood, whether you are truly connected to the dark wizard in a way that could influence her fate. If the portrait talks back to you, you may actually be you-know-whose descendant. His progeny." He smiled, moving a lock of her hair from her eyes to behind her ear.

Standing before the ancient portrait, Victoria's nerves were palpable. The weight of the revelation she sought loomed heavy on her shoulders. Draco reassured her, explaining that she needed to address the portrait in Parseltongue for it to respond truthfully.

As they walked toward the portrait, Victoria wrestled with her thoughts, contemplating the words she would say, 'What do I say to a painting?' Once in front of the depiction of Salazar Slytherin, her voice trembled as she spoke in Parseltongue, without even trying, she hissed: "Yethhh SHiahhss'n Gahthess. Tsss"

The portrait stirred, its eyes narrowing as it focused on Victoria. The air grew tense, and Draco watched with a mix of anticipation and concern. To his astonishment, the portrait responded, revealing long-guarded secrets that would reshape Victoria's understanding of her own identity: "Sss-shh-ssss'n Ahsheehh. Hsshsss"

Overwhelmed by the weight of the revelation, Victoria turned away from the portrait, her emotions cascading over her like a torrential wave. Draco, quick to react, pulled her into the solitude of the Slytherin common room. There, in the quiet embrace of shadows, Victoria's composure crumbled, tears streaming down her face as the truth unfolded before her. "What did he say, Victoria?" She could barely get out, "He— He— He said I was—"

Draco shushed her, stroking her hair, until she finally got out the words stuck in her throat, 

"He said 'Bonded to Him. Forever.'"

The night bore witness to the convergence of destiny and self-discovery, as Victoria grappled with the profound implications of her heritage, and Draco stood by her side, a silent pillar of support in the face of an uncertain future.


Draco POV:

The boys dimly lit room held an air of quiet tension, broken only by the soft rustle of fabric as Victoria fidgeted on Draco's bed. Her mind still reeled from the revelations of the night, and the weight of the newfound knowledge pressed heavily on her shoulders. Draco sat nearby, silently observing her, his gaze a mixture of concern, ' I just want to hug her. Though I doubt that will help. How does one help someone cope with finding out you are technically the daughter of the Dark Lord?'

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