Chapter 30 - the Dungeon & the Memories

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Victoria awoke to the gentle caress of sunlight on her face, finding Draco beside her, his tender gaze fixed upon her. Draco greeted her with a soft smile, "Morning, beautiful." Victoria, her eyes finally adjusted, responded, "Yeah, so beautiful with drool all over my hand and pillow." Draco chuckled, "The most beautiful." He suggested: "How about a shower together?" , but Victoria hesitated, knowing where it might lead, "No, if we go into that shower now, then we will have sex, I just know it." Draco smirked, "What's so wrong with that? It's obvious you want me, Victoria." His playful remark elicited a smile from the girl before she got up and dashed into his bathroom, hopping right in the cold shower, waiting for him to join. As Draco ran his hand through his striking blonde hair, he whispered to himself, "Let's do this."


Some time passes. Victoria settles into life at the Malfoy residence, adopting a more reserved demeanour and often keeping to the sidelines. While Death Eater meetings occur regularly, she isn't obligated to attend, and she notices a palpable distance from other Death Eaters, likely stemming from their fear of her connection to Voldemort. Besides being able to speak snake, Victoria could sometimes access others thoughts, though this new power scared her. Knowing she had Voldemorts blood in her scared her. She never used mind reading on Draco or her friends, but she had tried to get into the mind of some of the Death Eaters. It was quite hard since their mental walls were built up high and strong. She had managed to access a mind of one Death Eater, but his thoughts terrified her enough to not try again for a while. She decided not to tell anyone, no one needed to know as long as she didn't use it. She saw no other trace of the Dark Lord within her, but she could be wrong for now.
Until now she has had no contact with Astoria, Blaise or Pansy and she knows that at tis point - the events at Malfoy Manor should occur soon. Victoria also anticipates Voldemort's inquiries about the future but resolves to deceive him if necessary, aware that her mere presence in this world alters fate enough - and Voldemort too knows this.

In this new strange environment, Victoria shares Draco's room for sleep, a fact unbeknownst to Lucius Malfoy but acknowledged by Narcissa, Draco's mother. Though his mother pretends to not know. Narcissa exudes a quiet kindness towards Victoria, often observing the two kids silently. Despite her reserved nature, Victoria notices Narcissa's subtle acts of care towards Draco, particularly when Lucius displays anger, as she instinctively positions herself between them to shield her son.

In the dimly lit dungeon of Malfoy Manor, unbeknownst to Victoria, there was already a group of captives, including Luna Lovegood, Mr. Ollivander, and Griphook, shackled and malnourished.   The captives huddle together as much as they can, their faces etched with fear and despair, their hopes of escape dwindling with each passing moment. Bellatrix Lestrange, her eyes gleaming with malice, prowls among them like a predator, relishing in their suffering as she inflicts cruel and torturous spells upon them. Finally, the day came. Victoria was woken out of a trance by sounds coming from downstairs. She could hear yelling, 'Is this the day?'

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were brought to the Malfoy Manor against their will. Captured after Harry said the word ~VOLDEMORT~ by accident, giving the Death Eaters his precise location. They are attacked by Snatchers while on the run, leading to their capture and subsequent imprisonment at Malfoy Manor. She ran downstairs to see all the chaos occur, Draco, standing to the side, his eyes wide as Bellatrix's face face wide and grinning with anticipation.

Upon their arrival, they were immediately captured by Bellatrix Lestrange and other Death Eaters who were residing at the manor. They were bound, disarmed, and taken to the cellar. Once in the cellar, Bellatrix interrogated them, demanding to know how they acquired the Sword of Gryffindor and whether they were working for the Order of the Phoenix. Despite their denials, Bellatrix tortured poor Hermione using the Cruciatus Curse to extract information. Hermione's screams of pain and torture were heard all through the house, Draco just had to watch.

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