(s3) Chapter 6

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Harumi sat on the edge of her bed, her gaze fixed on the moonlit landscape beyond the window. The events of the day replayed in her mind like a relentless loop, each scene more haunting than the last. She couldn't shake the visions of her deepest fear – the fear of losing Lloyd again, of making a mistake that would tear them apart.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the door creak open, but she sensed his presence as Lloyd stepped into the room. His concerned voice broke through her reverie. "Hey, Harumi. Is everything okay?"

Turning to face him, Harumi felt a rush of emotions welling up inside her. "I... I don't know, Lloyd," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been seeing things... scary things."

Lloyd crossed the room in quick strides, sitting beside her on the bed and taking her hand in his. "You don't have to face them alone," he reassured her, his eyes reflecting a depth of sincerity that melted her heart. "I promise, Harumi, you'll never lose me again. I'll always be here for you, watching over you until the end of time."

Harumi felt a surge of warmth wash over her at his words, a sense of security wrapping around her like a protective blanket. She leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his presence.

But as the weight of their conversation lifted, a playful glint sparked in Lloyd's eyes, and a mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "You know," he began, his tone teasing, "since we're here, alone, with nothing but the moonlight to keep us company..."

Harumi couldn't help but laugh at his antics, feeling a lightness in her chest she hadn't felt in ages. "What are you suggesting, Lloyd?" she countered, her own playful smirk mirroring his.

"This." Lloyd gently lifted her chin up, his eyes locked with Harumi's.

As he leaned in, a gentle kiss filled the air between them. Harumi missed this warm feeling in her chest, when Lloyd kissed her.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they savored the sweetness of the kiss, each fleeting second etching itself into their memories. But as Harumi parted from the kiss to catch her breath, she felt Lloyd leaning in closer, his breath hot against her skin.

"Please, don't stop," he whispered, his voice husky with desire. "Don't you need to catch your breath too?", Harumi chuckled, caressing his cheek.

Lloyd smirked. "Oxygen is way too overrated for an opportunity like this."

Harumi's heart raced as Lloyd slowly pinned her down to the bed, his lips capturing hers in a passionate embrace. In that moment, all their worries melted away, consumed by the fiery passion that burned between them.

As they kissed, their love became a healing balm, soothing the wounds that had festered within their hearts.

"You're mine," Lloyd murmured against her lips, his words a declaration of possessiveness and adoration.

Harumi's breath hitched as she melted into his embrace, her own desires echoing his in the silent space between them. "And you're mine," she whispered back, her voice filled with a mixture of longing and affection.

Lloyd chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair from Harumi's face. "I hope you know, I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon," he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Harumi grinned, playfully swatting his chest. "Oh, I'm counting on it. After all, who else would put up with my nonsense?" she teased back, her tone light and affectionate.

Leaning in closer, Lloyd whispered, "Your nonsense is what makes you irresistible, my dear." His lips trailed along her jawline, sending shivers down her spine.

She let out a soft sigh, tilting her head to grant him better access. "Flattery will get you everywhere," she teased, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer.

"And here I was hoping it would just get me a few more kisses," he quipped, pressing his lips to hers in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

As they pulled away, Harumi smirked. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to be a generous kisser," she replied with a playful wink, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Lloyd chuckled, his arms wrapping around her waist. "I'm counting on it," he murmured, pulling her into another embrace, content in the warmth of their playful banter and the depth of their connection.

As they parted Lloyd nuzzled himself against Harumis chest, her arms wrapped around him.

After a bit of cuddling, Lloyd spoke up, "Shivu wants the crystal." Harumi sighed. "Why so?", she asked curiously. Lloyd answered, "To banish Lixie. In the hollow realm, you can't get out without that crystal."

Harumi nodded. "I know."

Lloyd sat up, his gaze resting on Harumi's eyes. "Come with me to the deck. You know, the others missed you too.", Lloyd remarked.

Harumi sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Fine."

Lloyd took Harumi's hand, leading her to the deck of the bounty. He approached Shivu, talking to Zane.

"Hello guys.", Lloyd greeted, holding Harumi's hand tight. Shivu turned around to Lloyd. "How far until we reach the spot of the crystal?", he asked, his eyes narrowing.

Lloyd smiled. "It's with an old friend of ours, her name is Mistaké. She'll give you the crystal and then we will help you banish your sister.", he explained.

Shivu shook his head. "I can banish her on my own do not worry."

The destiny's bounty slowly reached the hidden place of Mistaké.
As the bounty landed, the next step of their mission was that the ninja and Shivu needed to find Mistaké as soon as possible to finish their deal.

941 words

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