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- Luciano's POV -

I lean back in the creaky motel bed, the springs groaning beneath me. The room is dim, lit only by a single bedside lamp casting a dull, yellow glow over the shabby furniture. It's the kind of place no one looks twice at - a perfect head quarter for this mission. I grab the bottle of whiskey from the nightstand, pouring two glasses. Chastity, lounging beside me, takes hers with a sly smile, her fingers brushing mine as she accepts the drink. We clink glasses without a word, and I down mine in one go, the burn hardly registering.

My phone dings - a message from Russel, my man behind the bar at La Rosa. I glance at the screen, my expression tightening.

'Thalia has made contact with Arrio.'

I grunt, annoyed by the interruption. This is what I sent her here for, after all. I need this mission to go off without a hitch. She knows her role - do whatever it takes to get the information I need on Ares and his operations. I type a quick reply, telling Russel to keep me posted, then toss the phone aside. Chastity eyes me, her curiosity piqued, but she knows better than to ask. I pull her closer, my hand sliding up her thigh, and she leans into me, eager to please.

"Forget business," I mutter, my voice low and commanding. "We've got more important things to focus on tonight."

She laughs softly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Whatever you say, boss."

I grab her by the neck, pulling her into a rough kiss. Her lips taste of whiskey, mingled with the faint sweetness of her lipstick. She presses against me, her body warm and willing, her heart racing beneath my touch. My fingers trace the curve of her spine, feeling the shiver that runs through her. She breathes something into my ear, a whisper I barely register. It doesn't matter. Right now, she's here to serve one purpose, and I'm not interested in anything beyond that.

Another ding from my phone breaks the moment, but I ignore it, focusing on the woman in front of me. Her dress slips off her shoulders, revealing smooth, tanned skin. I push her onto the bed, her hair spilling out like a dark halo against the dingy sheets. I climb over her, our bodies pressing together, her hands roaming over my back, nails digging in just the way I like.

Then, another ding. My patience snaps. I snarl, reaching for the phone, ready to turn it off for good. But when I see the screen, two messages glare back at me - both from Cara, my second undercover operative at La Rosa. My gut tightens as I read them:

'Arrio's hooked. Thalia's got his full attention.'

'Ares is nowhere to be seen, it seems he has left and may not be returning.'

"Fuck," I mutter, tossing the phone aside.

Ares not being there screws up the entire plan. Chastity's hands glide over my chest, a futile attempt to bring me back to the moment. I roll off her, irritation tightening in my chest, and reach for the whiskey bottle again. This wasn't how tonight was supposed to go.

"Something wrong?" she asks, propping herself up on one elbow. Her voice is sultry, but there's a hint of unease underneath.

"Just business," I snap, taking another long swig from the bottle. The burn does nothing to take the edge off my frustration. She pouts, trailing a finger down my arm, clearly trying to steer my attention back to her.

"Maybe I can help you forget about it for a while," she offers, her voice dipping into that suggestive tone she knows I like.

"Not now," I say, my voice cold, dismissive.

Her eyes widen slightly, but she's smart enough to back off. She knows better than to push when I'm like this. The plan depended on Ares showing up tonight - having his brother in my crosshairs is only half the battle. If Ares doesn't turn up, this whole setup is worthless.

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