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The soft patter of summer rain whispers through the leaves, a gentle rhythm that matches the steady rise and fall of my breath. I stand in the garden, letting the warm droplets kiss my skin as they fall from the sky. The August air is thick with the scent of earth and rain, a smell that always brings me a strange sense of peace. It reminds me of how the world can be cleansed, renewed, no matter how dark or heavy things become.

It's Friday evening, the end of another long week, and tomorrow - Saturday - will be Sofia's 26th birthday. The thought brings a small smile to my lips. The rain has been light all day, a drizzle more than anything, but now it feels like a soothing balm against the weariness that has settled deep in my bones.

I walk through the garden, the grass cool and soft beneath my bare feet. I left my Birkenstocks on the stone path that leads back to the building. The flowers around me are drenched, their petals heavy with water, but they seem to shine even brighter in the dimming light.

The sun, low on the horizon, fights to break through the clouds, casting the world in a hazy, golden glow. The light dances on the raindrops, turning the entire garden into a shimmering canvas of gold and green.

I pause by a tall oak tree, leaning against its rough bark as I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting the fresh scent of rain and soil fill my lungs. The rain has slowed to a mist, more of a gentle caress than a downpour. It feels good - almost as if it is washing away the tension that has been building inside me for months.

So much has happened since May. The memory of my first encounter with Luciano at the airport feels both distant and vivid, like a dream I can't quite shake. I can still see him standing there, commanding and untouchable, his presence as solid as the ground beneath my feet. That moment has changed everything. It is the beginning of a life I hadn't chosen.

The rain begins to ease even more, tapering off to a few stray droplets. I am so lost in thought that I don't hear someone approach until they are right beside me.

"Mind if I join you?" she asks, her voice soft.

I open my eyes, turning to see Sofia standing there, a smile playing on her lips. Her dark hair is damp, little tendrils curling at her temples, and her eyes sparkle with a mix of curiosity and contentment.

"Of course not," I say, moving aside slightly so she can lean against the tree next to me.

We stand there in comfortable silence for a while, watching as the sun dips lower, its golden light cutting through the last of the rain, casting a warm, amber glow across the garden.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she says, her voice almost a whisper.

I nod. "Yeah, it really is."

She looks at me, her expression thoughtful. "You seemed deep in thought when I found you out here. What's on your mind?"

I let out a slow breath, my eyes tracing the horizon. "Just...everything, I guess. It's been a whirlwind since May, hasn't it? Sometimes it feels like a lifetime has passed since I first met Luciano."

Her eyes soften, a hint of sadness flickering across her face. She looks at me with a mixture of empathy and understanding, her gaze steady and reflective. Her fingers absently brush a wet strand of hair away from her face as she absorbs my words.

"Yeah," I murmur, my thoughts drifting back over the months. "I never imagined I'd end up here, part of all this. It's hard to believe it's only been a few months."

She glances at me, her smile soft. "You've adapted well, Thalia. This world isn't easy, but you've handled it better than most."

I shrug, the corner of my mouth lifting in a half-smile. "I didn't really have a choice, did I?"

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