Chapter 1

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I never really asked for much. No matter the situation, I've always been the first to jump in to help my sisters or the professor when they're in need. I constantly work day and night to keep townsville safe and protect the powerpuff girl's perfect reputation, but lately it's getting harder and harder. The more I hide, the more difficult it is to keep everyone safe while still staying true to myself. If I knew it would come to this, would I have still made the same choice?

- 6 months ago -

Today is the first day of our senior year. Many would be excited for their last year but I couldn't be any more nervous.
So many things could go wrong today; I could fall down the stairs, catch the plague, or even worse, be late on the first day! "AHHH!" I scream as I leap out of bed and race down the hall to wake the girls. "BUBBLES, BUTTERCUP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I scream. With a flash of pink I'm already dressed and at the bus stop.

Just as I feared, the bus was already down the street. Bubbles came out of the house carrying a sleeping buttercup, just in time to see our ride roll away. "Aw man we missed it bloss." She says as she drops buttercup. "Watch where you put me twerp." Buttercup suddenly sits up. "So kind of you to join us..." I glare at her. My worst fear is already coming true, we're going to be late if I don't do something. "Alright girls get in the car, Im driving." They give me a blank stare but don't budge. "Well?" I ask, gesturing towards the car. "Um, Bloss? Are you sure you're...ready for this?" Bubbles askes as she steps towards me.

Thats right. I haven't driven since the accident. It scarred me so much that I still have nightmares about it if I don't take my medicine before bed. Professor says that one day I'll put it behind me, but I don't know when that will be. Everyday I live in constant guilt of what I caused, and fear that it would happen again. I haven't been able to get behind the wheel since then and swore I never would. Maybe the girls are right... Maybe I'm not ready for this.

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