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i've been thinking 'bout you, do you think about me still?


as you doze off in your bed, you have a very unexpected dream. in the dream you saw yourself marrying walker.

at first, you thought it was strange because walker was your friend. and only your friend right?

however, as the dream continued, you walked down the aisle towards walker, who smiled widely at the altar. his happiness made you feel calm and happy too.

during the dream wedding, you heard sweet music playing while looking at walker. you both said your vows to each other, and promised to always care and support each other.

friends and family cheered for the two of you, mostly everyone that was rooting for you guys to get together. and just like that, the lovely dream ended. you woke up and noticed that it was morning time already.

was it true or only a dream? unsure, you rubbed your eyes and got up out of your bed. doing your routine as normal, but not without thinking about the dream.

even though the marriage part wasn't real, deep inside, you felt some sort of connection to walker somehow.

you had to talk to someone about this. a person you told everything to, and guess who that would be? leah!

 you quickly picked your phone up from the bathroom sink texting leah that you were gonna call her because it was an emergency.

you pressed the facetime button faster than the speed of light, and she answered right away. you saw her going to her room to get some privacy so you went back into your room and set your phone up so that your face was visible.

"hey n/n what's up?" leah said in a slightly panicked voice. okay maybe you had texted her with a bunch of things that were concerning, but were not gonna get into that right now!

"okay so basically..i had a dream about walker.." you said your voice a bit quieter than usual. leah's eyes widened when she heard the last part.

"ohmygosh i've literally been waiting for this the entire time! hold on lemme get my pen and paper" leah said going over to her desk and getting some stuff.

she wanted every detail, and a description of everything you saw. you were surprised to see how excited she was after you told her.

obviously you told her everything that had happened in the dream, and all the stuff you remembered. and she wrote everything down, just for memories she says.

"GIRL WHAT! we have to search up what that means!" she said grabbing her computer and typing in 'what does it mean if you have a dream of you and your crush getting married?'

you laughed at her behavior but you were also curious to what it meant too. so you let her do her thing and the website said '

'the dream can be an expression of your deep longing and wishful thinking to be with this person and to build a relationship. The symbol of marriage can represent the union of two people united in love and harmony.'

you honestly don't know what that meant but you retained the information so you wouldn't forget it.

"what does that mean leelee??" you asked leah fake crying and pouting. "girl i don't know, but it's probably talking about you and walker are meant to be together!" leah said smiling at you teasingly.

you were trying to hide your huge smile(im saying smiling instead of blushing because black people cant blush😭). "oh shut up!" you said back to her rolling your eyes.

screentime I walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now