Chapter Five

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Angel made his way to the kitchen, Fat Nuggets at his heels. Alastor had retreated to his own room to change, so the spider decided to grab something for breakfast. Walking into the kitchen, he spotted Niffty sweeping the already clean floor. She looked up at the spider, her eye fixated on him in a stare. "I heard you crying through the walls last night," the small demon stated, concern in her voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," the spider replied, stepping around her to look in the fridge. Niffty seemed satisfied with this answer. When she noticed Fat Nuggets, she leaned the broom against the counter, choosing to play with the pig. Angel chuckled, watching the two. "I will never understand that girl." Angel glanced up as Husk walked into the kitchen, the cat's eyes on Niffty. "Haven't you two known each other, like, forever?" The spider questioned as he peeled an orange.

The cat shook his head, taking a seat across from the spider. "Not forever, but a while though. Still, I don't understand how she can be as creepy as she is, but also be adorable." Niffty looked over at the two then, lifting up the pig, cradling him in her arms. "Should I make breakfast now?" "What's your breakfast plan, Nift?" Husk asked. "Pancakes, eggs, and toast," the little demon replied as she brought Fat Nuggets over to where she had bowls of water laid down for all the pets. "And of course, whatever Alastor wants to eat." "Speaking of Alastor, where is he? He's normally the first one up," Husk nodded at Niffty, "Besides you, of course." "Smiles is up in his room," Angel said.

Charlie and Vaggie walked in then, "Good morning, everyone!" Charlie said happily, taking a seat next to Husk, Vaggie sitting on her other side. "Where the fuck is Alastor?" Vaggie asked. "Right here, my dear." The deer said as he materialized in the room. "Good morning, sir. What would you like to eat?" Niffty asked as she pulled pancake mix out of the cabinet. "No need to fix me anything, dear. I shall pick up something while I am out," the radio demon turned to look at the spider, "Angel, I would like you to accompany me today." This earned the demon a bunch of surprised looks. "It's my only day off, I wasn't planning on spending it working." "You won't be; you will simply be helping me run a few errands." The spider groaned, "Can I eat something first?" "Time is of the essence, my dear. You can grab something along the way." Angel sighed and stood up, "Can I change at least?" "Yes, yes, just be quick about it." The spider grumbled and walked off to his room.

"So," Husk started, "Why do you want him to go with you?" One glance at the others, and it was obvious that they were wondering the same thing. "Well, why not?" Alastor replied, his smile widening. "It's great that you want to, er, spend time with him. It's just you've never seemed to exactly like Angel," Charlie said. The deer laughed, "Well, you are very much mistaken, my dear. The spider has proved quite interesting."

"So where are we going?" Angel asked. He and Alastor had been walking for quite a while, and he still couldn't figure it out. "Our first stop is Rosie's Emporium in Cannibal Town. That is the best place to pick up something to eat," the radio demon replied. "Of course, you'd want to eat in a place called Cannibal Town. But what the hell am I supposed to eat?" Alastor looked at the spider with a strange expression, "You can eat whatever you choose to eat." "I mean, I ain't a cannibal. I don't wanna eat somebody."

The deer tilted his head, "You were never against it before." "What?" "I used to cook for you all the time; you were fine with it then." Angel paused, surprised the deer remembered that. He wondered what else the demon remembered. "If you're worried about Rosie's cooking, you needn't be, she is a very good cook." The spider sighed, "Fine, but if you tell anyone, I'll... uh..." "Don't worry, it's not my place to tell anyone what you are and aren't willing to eat." The deer's smile widened, and he loosely took the spider's hand, almost unconsciously. "Now, let's hurry along, darling."

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