Chapter Fourteen

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TW: Overdose

Anthony stared blankly at the wall, his senses dulled by the numbing weight of despair. His sister Molly entered his field of vision, tear-stained cheeks and trembling hands. Why was she crying? What was wrong? She shook him, but he couldn't respond, paralyzed by an overwhelming sense of emptiness. She was speaking, he watched her mouth move but he couldn't hear her, all he could hear was ringing in his ears. Alastor, an unexpected presence, took hold of Anthony's face, his own eyes wet with tears. Alastor was crying, Anthony didn't like that. He'd never seen Alastor cry before. He made Alastor cry, he made him cry, he made him cry.

Suddenly the world focused and everything was loud ."Please! I don't know what he took! I don't know! I think he's dying! My brother is dying!" Molly's panicked voice pierced the silence as she screamed into the phone. "Al?" Anthony murmured, confusion clouding his mind. He heard Molly gasp and Alastor let out an almost hysteric laugh. "What's happening?" Anthony asked, his brain was fuzzy, he was confused. Molly crouched down beside him, "Anthony! Oh my god, Anthony!" She wrapped her arms around him, then she was yelling, "Why!? Why would you do that!? I've already lost one brother! I can't lose you too!" "What's happening?" He asked again, keeping his eyes on Alastor. 'I made him cry, I made him cry, I made him cry, I've done something wrong, he hates me, hates me, hates me.'

Alastor, ever the voice of reason, placed a comforting hand on Molly's shoulder. "Molly dear, he is going to be a bit out of it at the moment. It's best to give him some time." She hesitated before reluctantly moving away from Anthony. "I'm... I'm going to go outside for a bit." Then she stood and quickly walked out.

"When did you get back?" Anthony asked, staring at the brunette. "This morning." Alastor replied as he pulled the blonde into an embrace. Anthony felt almost instantly calmer in Alastor's arms, his screaming thought turning to a soft murmur. "Why didn't you come see me?" "I had a few matters to take care of." Anthony slowly moved so he could see Alastor's face, "I made you cry. I'm sorry." The brunette stared at the blonde for a moment, a look of pain in his eyes, then, the brunette murmured, "Tell me the meanings of roses."

The room momentarily hushed as Anthony, with shaky breaths, began to speak. "Roses symbolize a lot of things, not just love like most people think. Red roses, yes, but they also symbolize sexual desire, which is why I hate the cliche of giving someone a red rose to be romantic."

"What about white roses, darling?" Alastor prodded, trying to guide Anthony into calmer waters. "White roses symbolize new beginnings, hope, and purity. They are used mostly at weddings. I think they are much better than the red ones." Alastor nodded, attentively watching Anthony's movements.

"What is your favorite type of rose?" Anthony hesitated before replying, "Lavender. They are rare but lovely, symbolizing enchantment, adoration, and love. I believe that due to being so rare, if you give someone a lavender rose, you truly love them."

Alastor kissed the blonde's forehead, "Then I should get you a lavender rose my dear." Anthony smiled and laid his head on Alastor's chest, the only sanctuary from the storm that raged within him.

After a bit of silence Alastor finally asked, "Why did you do it Anthony?" "Because," Anthony said softly, "You left me alone." 

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