Chapter 7 - A Flame's End?

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I had just woken on a tree, and I felt the sudden urge to come back to Laff's base. Laff told me to follow his orders at all times, so of course I went back to his base.

I made it to his base, it took a bit, but I eventually made it there. I walked in to see Socks laying on the ground. A axe on the floor, and Nadwe gone. I noticed that Socks was knocked out, and I asked Laff.

"What's the matter with him?"
I asked Laff.

"He somehow- escaped."
Laff grunted.

"How did that even happen?"
I asked, walking up to the knocked out Socks.

"I don't even know- I guess that the liquid I used didn't put him to sleep for entirety."
Laff guessed.

I just went with Laff, he was never wrong.
I carried Socks, and put him in the basement where he could be monitored and kept somewhere safe. We already told Nadwe it's off limits, but I keep seeing him near the basement door. Nadwe is really nosey from I can tell, but he hasn't gotten so nosey till the point we have to kill him.

POV change and Time Skip

Socks was in the basement, locked in.
He woke up, but he wasn't handcuffed or blind folded, not even tied together to himself. He needed to get out. Laff probably had something to do with all the fire and ash. Most definitely...

Even a better reason for the need to get out.
But how?
Socks kept thinking...Nadwe. Nadwe!
If Nadwe somehow found the basement and saw him in here, maybe he could free him! That means Socks needs to be super loud. But Laff is at the house too, and probably guarding the basement door. He had to think of something else- maybe Laff would be asleep at night and Nadwe could see in the dark and free him!
He just needed to wait, luckily there was a clock in the basement. It looked a lot like a lab-

Socks saw tons of tubes of mysterious liquid. The clock seemed to go by so slow, Socks needed to do something in the meanwhile.
That's when he found some cabinets full of folders. One was labeled "Plans" with a red line next to it? Socks grabbed it and paper fell onto the floor. There he saw plans of horror.

Apparently, Laff had made a robot version of him and planned to kill everyone so he could dominate the world, and this was his first step.
Socks was glad he had at least messed up some of his plans.

Socks kept studying the plans, and he was going to try to burn alive his friends.
Socks felt a shiver go down his spine as he was investigating, he was mortified.
He kept digging, digging and digging through the papers. Finally, he found what seemed to be blueprints of someone? Once he took a closer look, he saw that it was his clone's plans.
This could help him defeat himself?

He saw that its power was from his hands.
Fire could come out of it's hands and burn anything in its past, so Socks just needed to smash the doubleganger's arms?
That seemed easy enough.

It was finally midnight, and Socks put his plane into action. He tugged on the doors and screamed as loud as he could. Socks knew that Nadwe has better hearing than everyone, and hopefully, just maybe; Nadwe could hear Socks in the basement.

I hear something outside, a tug on the door?
Some unlocking sounds were heard, and then the doors shot wide open.
Nadwe was standing at the doors, his eyes wide. Socks ran at him and hugged him, tears in his eyes.

Nadwe said, happily
"I've missed you! I've just found out that the other "Socks" have been made out of metal this entire time! His arms aren't made out of human flesh or whatever!"

"I've found that out too, he's a robot."
Socks informed.
"And thank God you're okay, I thought they would have killed you."

"Nope! I've just followed their orders, that's all."
Nadwe said, sounding uncomfortable.
"Socks, don't leave me, again."

Nadwe's eyes widened like googly eyes, blood was dropping out his back. Socks check to see what had happened and what seemed to be a spear, was sticking out of his back. It glowed like lava, fire must have heated it.
Socks looked around at who had launched it and there stood the robot version of him.


Socks realized what pain that had caused Nadwe, and checked on him.
He was limp.
He wasn't breathing.
He was dead.

Socks bursted into tears and hugged Nadwe's limp body.
Nadwe, my son.
Forgive me for not protecting you, for letting you be wide in the open. For everything.
Nadwe, I love you.
Nadwe, tell me if the heavens are what it seems.
Nadwe, come back soon.

Socks couldn't stop crying, he didn't want to accept that his son was dead.
But he was.
And Socks knew he couldn't change that.
He let Nadwe rest on the ground and pulled out the spear from his back. It was warm to the touch, but Socks held it and charged at S0cks.

S0cks then burst out flames from his hands and ran off. That's when Socks heard other people.

His friends were here.
Here to attack.

Woolf threw a laso on the robot, pulling it by its neck with the rope. Dino clawed at its arms to disable its fire. TBVG had tied it with rope, its body tied. And Meme lit a fire, it grew for a bit. Socks watched them all team up on the robot, amazed.

Then, the group carried the robot into the fire.
It's metal melted into the fire and the robot let out robotic screams. Laff was nowhere to be seen, but Meme stood close to the fire.
The whole group seemed shocked that it was a robot. Especially Meme.
They wondered where the real one was, but Meme leaned down.

"You caused so much pain, robot. "
Meme began.
"May you burn like you should have in Hell.
May Jooice rest in peace."

Socks approached them, he reached out his hand.

"That robot was called S0cks, arobot that was supposed to kill you all. A robot who was a doppelganger. That was not me."
The real Socks explained.
"Nadwe paid the price of his life to help me escape. I hope y'all understand me."

Meme was shocked, and looked at him.
Half of his face was fucking burnt.
He was burnt in a lot of places on his body, how could he forgive someone who he thought did all these terrorist acts!? But....but it wasn't really Socks. That thing was known as S0cks, supposedly. Meme looked at the others, wanting agreement from them.

They nodded, Dino was the one who hesitated.
Meme then turned back and shook Socks' hand.

"We believe in you, Socks."
Meme said, sternly.
"We grieve for Nadwe, deeply. But we must bury him somewhere safe, somewhere like home."

"Yes, I agree."
Socks let go of the handshake, looking around.
"I know the perfect place."

Dino interrupted.
"What about Laff? Shouldn't we do something about it?"

"He has a fair point."
Woolfster chimed in.

"He's long gone by now, he must have left the area when he heard Meme."
Socks guessed.
"Let's Burt Nadwe first. Then we could search for Laff if there's any sign of him left."

The group collected Nadwe's body and buried him next to Jooice. It wasn't home, but at least Socks' son was with someone.


2006 - 2021
"Don't leave me."
R. I. P

"I wish I died instead of Nadwe, he had so much to live for. I still miss him, even though it's been a month since the Fire Events.
Everyone still has burn marks, especially Meme. Meme has recovered, but he isn't the same. Everyone is doing well, luckily."

-Socks, 2021

Socks closed his journal and got up from his desk. He left his new house and went to where Nadwe's grave was.
Hoping to see him, once again.
Except, it didn't come true.


Crispy, Juicy, Tender!
(1400 words)

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