Epilogue: His Fem-boy Omega

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~Katsuki's POV~

"fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck! Ahgh!" I screamed gripping Deku's hand as they wheeled me into the operating room.

Now, to clear up any confusion, I'm pregnant, 8 months, and well, they've decided they no longer want to stay with me.

After Deku and I's wedding. We'd been living our happily ever after; living together, working together, fighting together, simply being happy together.

 We'd been living our happily ever after; living together, working together, fighting together, simply being happy together

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The rest of our friends as well. Round Face and Four Eyes got engaged three years after Deku and I got married. They've already moved in with each other and are mated and marked.

Soy Sauce Face and Raccoon Eyes got married the day of graduation actually, was a bit of a surprise but they received many well-deserved congratulations regardless.

Icy-hot and Shitty Hair are getting married this year, and I'm definitely going,  come hell or high water.

Small Fry is going about his business doing hero work, I had met the freak in 2A.OB and my god was he an absolute sleaze, he's changed for the better though, thank god.

Ears and Big Tits got married two years ago and have decided to adopt.....five cats. Not sure if they plan on having kids but, they seem pretty happy.

Tail Freak and Invisibitch, though not yet married,  have two kids and a dog.

Dunce Face and Mind Fuck are pretty much in the same position as Ears but not yet married and fewer cats.

Frog Face and Bird brain, have surprisingly moved out of Japan,  still doing hero work as far as I've heard, just not in Japan anymore.

Sugar Freak and Rock Face, I don't really know much, the two are very private about their personal life and whatever I know everyone else knows, and vice-versa.

Tentacles and Sparkles, though both Betas and an odd pair, seem to be doing pretty good, but they're pretty private as well, not much we know.

After being married for about five years, Deku and I decided we wanted a baby. When we first found out I was pregnant we were ecstatic, when we found out I was having twins, we were shocked.

The journey of pregnancy wasn't easy for me. The morning sickness hit me like a freight train, leaving me hunched over the toilet bowl more times than I could count. Deku was by my side through it all, holding my hair back and whispering soothing words as I emptied the contents of my stomach.

As my belly grew round with our babies, our excitement turned into nervous anticipation. We attended countless doctor's appointments, watching in awe as we saw their tiny forms on the ultrasound screen. We decorated the nursery together, painting the walls a soft shade of green and filling the room with toys and books.

As the anesthesia made its way through my system I could only hope my little grenades would be fine.

I woke up groggily, the lingering effects of the anesthesia still clouding my mind. Blinking slowly, I tried to focus on my surroundings. The sterile smell of the hospital assaulted my nostrils, triggering a wave of nausea. Swallowing hard, I looked around at the empty hospital room.

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