What's wrong

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Is there something wrong with me?

Am I unworthy of love?

Everything I do I yearn for it,
I crave it,
And beg for it even.
Begging for someone to love me,
Value me,
Respect me,
To cherish me the way I cherish them.
I want it- No, I need it so bad,
My mind gets clouded by poor judgment.
Settling for anyone who can fit a few of my needs,
Yet always neglect the major ones.
I value communication,
Yet go quiet in the hands of misinterpretation.
I want respect,
Yet nod my head and roll over when disrespected.
I want perfection,
Yet settle for anything less than.
I want to be bathed with affection,
Yet I am sufficed with a wet wipe version of hello.
I am easily swayed with pretty words and empty promises,
That I tire myself with the thought of change.
Maybe I'm asking for too much,
Maybe I am incapable of the concept of love.
Maybe there is something wrong with me.
Am I unlovable?

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