Two-sided battle

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- TDL : Aren't you happy to see me?.
- TCO : Why did you follow them?.
- TDL : Do I have to answer?.
- TCO : There's nothing good about joining them!.
- TDL : At least it's more fun.
- TCO : TDL....
- TDL : I've said too much already.
- TCO : ...
- TDL : Come on now.

• TCO and TDL rushed to fight to win and lose , making even the thugs surprised when neither side gave in.

• But no one knows that TCO is more sensitive to avoid injuring TDL.

- TDL : What's wrong with you? Why don't you use all your strength to fight?.
- TCO : I don't want to fight with you.
- TDL : If you don't want to, you have to want to.
- Boss : These two guys are very strong.
- ??? : What to do , Boss?.
- Boss : What to do?.
- Boss : Go all the way up!.
- ??? : Yes Boss.

• All the juniors ran to help TDL.

- TDL : Fuck , I don't need help.
- TCO : Fuck.

• TCO tried to duel with TDL and tried to weigh the rest , causing TCO to waste his strength.

- TCO : * Stone TDL belly away*.
- TDL : * Falls down , grits teeth *.
- Boss : Even you can't win against that guy.
- TDL : Shut up.
- Boss : That's too rude.

• The junior was beaten so hard by TCO injured , lying down , unconscious , the person trying to hit him couldn't.

- TDL : * Stands up and runs back to TCO *.
- TCO : Again?.
- TDL : * Raises hand to hit TCO *.
- TCO : * Holds it *.
- TDL : Fuck * Raises other hand *.
- TCO : * Holds other hand *.
- TDL : Let go.
- TCO : Stop quickly.
- TDL : Fuck * Stone *.
- TCO : * Dodge *.

• While the two held hands and pushed each other , a guy ran up to fight.

- TCO : * Saw , push your hands out strongly and hug TDL *.
- TDL : !
- ??? : Die now * Hit TCO *.
- ??? : What-?!.
- TCO : * Push TDL down and Fight ??? Away*.
- ??? : Ah!.
- TDL : * Confused  *.
- TCO : * Hold TDL's hands tightly *.
- TDL : Hey! Let go!.
- TCO : Calm down.
- TDL : Grrrrr.
- Boss : Looks like you've given up, TDL.
- TCO : * Looks up *.
- TDL : * Looks up * I haven't lost.

• Meanwhile.

- Yellow : Hey , if we're still here, we'll become TCO's burden.
- Red : Why is that?.
- Yellow : Think about it , what if they use us to force TCO to surrender?.
- Green : You're right , we have to find a way to untie the rope.
- TSC : * Looks around *.
- Green : What are you looking for?.
- TSC : Look for anything sharp to cut.
- Red : Hmmmm... is there anything to be sure about?.
- Green : Hmmm..*I saw broken glass at the door* I saw it.
- Yellow : Where?.
- Green : By that door.

• Everyone looked out the door.

- Red : Oh I see * Trying to stand up *.
- TSC : Be careful.
- Red : No worries * Goes to the door *.

• Red go back and pick up the broken glass and run back to the same place.

- Yellow : Great.
- TSC : Cut carefully.
- Red : I know , now sit back.
- TSC : * Turns back *.
- Red : * Tries to cut *.
- Yellow : Then slowly.

• Red finished cutting the ties for TSC , then Green and Yellow.

- Green : It's okay now.
- Yellow : Now we have to get out of here.
- Red : * Standing near the door looking * Guys come out and look at this.
- TSC : What's that? * Walks up *.

• Yellow and Green looked at each other in confusion and then went to see.

- Red : ⊙⁠∆⊙
- TSC : ⊙⁠_⁠◎
- Green : ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
- Yellow : ☉-☉
- Red : Are you kidding!?.
- Green : he's weighed the whole pack.
- Yellow : And he's crushing TDL.
- TSC : Damn.
- TDL : * Struggles *.
- TCO : Stay still.
- Boss : you should leave TDL ,  otherwise I will use strong measures against you.
- TCO : Fuck * Prepare to release *.
- Red : * Run away * Don't let go!.
- TCO : * Grips tightly * You guys!.
- TDL : Fuck!.

• The group tried to run quickly to the TCO.


Part 14 is Coming Soon.

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