Chap. Two: A Crystalfly's Farewell

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    "Diluc, is it too late to go back to Windrise...?" I whimpered as I paced anxiously in front of Barbatos's statue, the stoic winery owner lounging leisurely on a nearby bench. I had knocked on his front door first thing in the morning and practically forced him to come with me on my rendezvous with Aether and Paimon.

    "I didn't spend three hours coaching you through five different possible greetings that would result in the best first impression for you to bail," Diluc groaned, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun.

    "I know, but..." I mumbled, restlessly tapping the tip of my foot on the pavement until I could hear a distinctly squeaky voice.

    "Oh, there's Master Diluc! So that means that the lady near him is the one that the Tone-Deaf Bard was talking about!" a small flying child shouted, pointing exuberantly towards the two of us.

    Oh my dear Archons- The only thing worse than meeting new people is being pointed out by them...

    "Good morning!" Aether greeted with a small wave as he strode towards us, his golden hair shimmering under the sunlight. Seeing my idol right in front me was almost enough to make me escape into the shadows if it weren't for Diluc, who walked up behind me and patted my back encouragingly.

    "Good morning... Traveler," I greeted back, every ounce of courage in my body dedicated towards maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes were truly beautiful... Golden pools of endless depths, the grief and worry lying within tempered by the determination he held in his heart. "My name is Allura. I apologize for the sudden intrusion in your journey... I do hope that Venti hasn't given you too much trouble," I continued, a concerned smile settling awkwardly on my lips.

    "The Tone-Deaf Bard was a mess! He practically decided everything before we could say anyth-" Paimon began to complain before Aether snatched her out of the air, covering her mouth with a hand as he tucked her under an arm.

    "It's no problem. Any help is appreciated, and the more the merrier!" Aether reassured me, his eyes gentle as he offered a bright smile to me.

    "I'm glad... If I understand correctly, you're heading to Liyue next in order to meet the Geo Archon?" I asked, relaxing a little as Diluc removed his hand from my back.

    "Yeah, we wanted to leave today so that we can make it for the Rite of Descension... but is that okay with you?" Aether asked worriedly. "I'm sure that this is all as sudden for you as it is for us."

    "When I make a choice... I don't go back on my word. Don't worry about me," I reassured him, sounding more confident than I actually was. In truth, I was still more than a little scared about leaving Mondstadt so soon after making my decision... but I refused to run away from my fears any longer.

    "She has a better head on her shoulders than Tone-Deaf Bard, that's for sure!" Paimon declared, finally breaking free of Aether's grip. "Paimon is Paimon, and this is Aether! Nice to meet you, Allura!"

    "The pleasure is all mine," I chuckled, the corners of my eyes crinkled ever so slightly in amusement. Paimon gaped a bit, then giggled.

    "Aether, we scored a really pretty lady! Don't scare her away or else Paimon will get mad!" Paimon squealed as she kicked her legs bashfully, circling around me whilst peering at me curiously.

    "Paimon, what do you take me for?" Aether sighed, scratching the back of his head with an exasperated expression.

    "If there is no other use for me being here, I'll take my leave," Diluc said, stepping away from behind me. "I'm needed at the bar."

    "Awww, Paimon wanted to chat a little more before we left," Paimon sulked, her little hair spikes lowering like a pair of downcast ears.

    "You three will return to Mondstadt eventually. After all, it isn't going away anytime soon," Diluc said firmly, his words carrying greater weight as he glanced towards me. I nodded, shooting him a shaky smile, and his eyes softened.

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