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A roar erupted through the camp as Pandora jolted from the ground. "Fuck." Luke jolted from beside her too, Jerry looking equally as frightened. Before he could react Pandora pulled Luke's sword from his side taking off.

"Pandora!" Luke sprinted after her yelling something to Jerry as he passed. "Pans- Holy shit." The dark scaled dragon finally circled the camp looking for a particular student. "Pandora!" She took off away from the cabins, towards the forest.

The dragon spotted the sprinted girl, fire coating inches behind her feet as she ran.
"Chiron!" Luke beckoned the centaur emerging from the cabin, "It's here, for Pandora." Thankfully he started barking orders, students readying for the huge monster tearing through the top of the forest.

"Luke, save her." Annabeth passed him handing him a sword as she ran readying her own cabin. With the sword fresh in his hand, Luke ran into the forest following the scorching heat of fire, littering the forest floor.

"Pandora!" He called swivelling around as another loud roar echoed above. "Pandora—" A body slammed into him, Pandora gripping at his shirt. Her hair was messily splayed across her shoulders, a nasty burn on her leg, ash spread across her face.

"Luke, you need to leave." She pulled him towards the edge of the forest. "It only wants me." He pulled her behind him as fire burnt across the front of the pair. "Luke, please." She moved from behind her, aiming her hands upwards.

"Not a chance." Fire highlighting the ends of her hair as fire burst through the sky, wounding the dragon for a moment. He refrained from touching her, heat radiating from the girl.

"ARCHERS!" In the distance Chiron ordered, the dragon circling back across the camp. "Den boró na to antéxo állo! (I can't take it anymore!)" The enflamed teen moved further into the forest. "It's the final thing Luke." Reluctantly she spilled, "If it doesn't kill me, I get to live Castellan." She moved into the clearing.

"Hey! Lizard!" Luke cursed running after her, the dragon turning around to crash into the forest. "Kaì se apoktenô, ugly scaled beast." Luke pulled her out of the way of the fire, the beast emitted in their direction.

"Pandora! You're going to get yourself killed." He scolded pressing her against a tree as the dragon took off back in the direction of the camp, "Stop being so reckless and let me help you." Pandora shook her head, remaining still with his grip.

"Luke, I can't." She admitted furiously. Tension built between the pair before finally Pandora touched his cheek softly, "If something happened to you.. something because- because of me." Luke brought their lips together, seperating as a roar sounded again.

"Nothing will happen princess, now let's go slay a dragon shall we?" She couldn't help the tint in the cheeks as he took a step back.
"And give me back my sword." He snatched in from her before she could blink.

She smiled softly taking his as fire highlighted her skin. "Slay a dragon, and it's only 7." She scoffed pulling him along as she ran towards camp above them the dragon following closer.

Clarisse has busied herself protecting her cabin from the dragon. Anyone would think she was deranged scaling to her cabin roof waving her spear like a lunatic. The twins shot accurately but their arrows deflected across the dragons scales.

Lunging forward Pandora slid across the ground, poking at the underside of the dragon gaining its attention, "Yes, you! Bloody ugly beast, father couldn't send something prettier?" The dragon roared and Pandora dodged a spray of fire unfortunately burning half of Aphrodite's cabin.

As the dragon swivelled around she spotted Dahlia on the other side of the camp. Micheal stood beside her arrows whizzing past her head as fast as he could muster. Dahlia braced her knee against the ground and twisted her fingers.

Slowly roots burst from the ground securing a hold on one of the dragon's legs pulling it into the soil. It allowed Micheal to get a good hit on the dragon's neck, an arrow wounding the creature.

Pandora shouted Dahlia's name as they almost met the nasty end of the dragon's fire, Luke leading Jerry over who sprinted across pulling both teens out the way. Jerry's ankle was nicked by fire and the boy scrambled away thankfully Dahlia tending to him while Luke ran off again.

The dragon then seemed to bother itself snapping its jaws at Clarisse who had almost tumbled off the roof to her death if it wasn't for Chris who unfortunately cushioned her fall, "Lizard!" Pandora taunted, her sword falling from her grip as she waved her hands.

The dragon fumed angrily until the large eyes widened and a rush of fire invaded its vision, blue flames encasing its head from the girl's fingertips. Stumbling back, the dragon's tail wiped out another cluster of campers sending one of Dahlia's siblings, Harriet all the way into the lake.

"PANDORA!" Dahlia screamed as the dragon, snapped its jaw towards Pandora knocking her from her feet. Almost eaten by the dragon once again she shuffled back, a sword in front of her slicing across the blinded dragon's snout.

Luke brought the sword down again, blood spurting from the dragon's sliced snout.
"Luke." Pandora pulled herself up by his ankle, shoving him back. She reached forward making contact with her sword.

Her eyes lit and the sword in her fingers too as she stabbing into the dragon's neck. It roared in response once again jolting back destroying camp as it went. It shook its head flinging Pandora across camp unfortunately directly at a stone pillar in front of Hephaestus's cabin, her back sliding down painfully.

"AHHHH!" Pandora thanked the gods Luke was fast, yanking Rhea back by her arm, the sword she was wielding falling from her hands. The girl had intended to take on the dragon. Pandora knew her ribs weren't in good condition after the hit but she couldn't help but struggle to get to her feet.

Running as fast as she could, Luke shielded Rhea from the dragon as it had heard the girl's scream. Fire rose in the monster's throat almost incinerated Luke if it wasn't for Pandora aiming her hands back towards the dragon in front of the pair.

Blue flames met orange and Pandora struggled to keep her feet steady, the force sliding her backwards, "Luke move." He pulled Rhea from the floor in front of him moving the pair out of the way.

Pandora quickly lost the battle of fire and was overpowered flung backwards. The flames had scorched her palms but nothing more, her own body temperature protecting her.

Looking around camp, injured teens were scattered everywhere. Apollo's cabin treating the wounded could hardly keep up. Half of the camp had been destroyed, Dionysus nowhere to be seen. He didn't usually get up before 12.

Clarisse busied the dragon, weaving between its legs. Three. A cluster of arrows flew hitting the dragon again. Two. Her sword was inches away from her fingers, finally frustrated words leaving her lips.

"Áfise me ísicho! (Leave me alone!), One. She seized her opportunity, moving under the dragon. She plunged the sword upwards into the left side of its chest. Her sword impaled the dragon's heart finally the huge creature disintegrating.

Pandora's knees buckled and her fingers sunk into the ground, clutching her side as silence filled the camp. Cheers begun to sound between the cabins, as finally the dragon had been defeated.

She knew it wouldn't be long for her father to summon her, she'd just hoped to check on her friends before, "Pandora! Pandora hey!" Luke collapsed beside her, a hand on her back.

"Are you hur-" She sprang upward wrapping her arms around his neck tightly.
"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry." She practically collapsed into his arms. She was exhausted.
Between attempting to murder Are's favourite daughter, to her underworld visits, to slaying a dragon. She could hardly keep her eyes open.

"You're okay- It's okay- you did okay princess." The same gut wrenching feeling overcome her and she separated from Luke.

"Tell everyone I'm sorry. Mr D is sure to obliterate me for the damage." She managed a smile, "I'll see you soon Castellan." Disappearing into the darkness Luke was left alone.

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