first reason

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dear lydia...

i love that little brain of yours. you speak as if you hold all the information in the world. i remember that it was what made me fall in love with you. you always had your hand raised in class, and i remember sitting behind you, and you never seemed to have a bad grade. i feel like you've lived in other dimensions, because there is no way, someone as young as you, could know so much. i love being able to witness your thoughts, because you have the brain of fucking albert einstein. i know that people say i'm pretty smart, but i'm nothing compared to you. i can see just by looking into your eyes, that there are so many ideas and thoughts flowing in your head. i can tell just by the way you hold yourself up, that you have experienced a lifetime of morals. talking with you is like speaking to a foreigner because you speak in such an intelligent language, it's like it isn't even English.

that's the first reason i love you.



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