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"So you're leaving again?"
"And you don't know when?"
"But it's gonna happen."
"Affirmative." Tristan raked a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. He knew Addison was basically a rogue Nephillium and had to hide from the Clave at times, but now this was getting ridiculous.
"Can I talk to you, Adds? In private." When she gave a questioning look, but nodded anyway. Tristan took her by the arm and dragged her out of the room.
"What the hell are you doing?! We're going on tour in a month and you're choosing to leave now?!?!" The irritation was eminent in his voice and Addison decided it would be best to be careful while explaining her reasoning. Tristan was right of course, but she had no choice. She's wasn't going to willingly travel all the way to New York, but she knew they would get her there one way or another. Tristan should understand, or at least she hoped he would.
"T, calm down! The Clave wants me to go to some Institute in New York or something, and you know how the Clave works; if I don't come willingly, they'll get me instead! Come on, I should be fine." Addison wasn't sure who was more wary about this: Tristan or her.
"Well...okay," Tristan said warily, "but I swear if you don't call one of us I'll sniff you out myself." He had a wry but weak smile on her face. He was normally very funny, but didn't usually joke about the fact that he was a werewolf. This was clearly a desperate attempt to defuse the tension, and Addison appreciated that he was trying.
Over the years, he had grown fairly close to her. He was kicked out of his pack and she was kicked out of her home. Two misfits banded together and later found somewhere they belonged; though it be with mundanes, the two felt most happy around their new friends. The two were inseparable of course, due to their mutual understanding and past involvement with the 'unnatural' world. The two had even dated on and off, but the relationships usually ended with the mutual agreement of keeping any romantic gestures limited to meaningless flirting and random acts of kindness/ passion. The agreement had been in act for a year now and was still working soundly... Minus the fact that Tristan had actually grown to love Addison, and unfortunately, he thought she had no idea.
Tristan took his stare off of Addison and to the other side of the room where the others were watching their exchange. He let out a sigh before talking again, "Addie, I just want you to be safe."
She swatted him away, "I will be. I'm a tough one, you know. And don't call me that." She had a crooked smile that just graced her cheeks, hardly anything, but Tristan took it as a victory. This calmed his nerves a tad but didn't answer all the questions that were racing in his mind.
"Did they say why they wanted you all the way over there?"
" I don't know why and if they don't tell me, I'll find out one way or another," she winked. She was never too fond of authority and was fairly crafty as Tristan had learned over the years of barely escaping the countless grasps of other Shadowhunters, store owners, librarians, and even a nun at one point.
"We'd better get back over there; they seem kind of impatient," Addison pointed out. Tristan looked in the direction of her pointed thumb and realized she was right. They were all staring over at them with expectant expressions.
The two walked over to them slowly and Addison took her place on the green sofa again.
She took in a breath and began to explain: "I have to go to New York. I don't know exactly when, but I have to. I'm probably just gonna disappear randomly, but don't worry unless Tristan doesn't hear from me for-" She paused to think, " four days. If none of you hear from me AT ALL after four whole days, tell Tristan and he'll contact me. I'll be fine of course, but I just thought I'd give you guys some warning before I just up and left."
She let out a breath and looked around from face to face of each of her band members. Tristan was staring at the ground intently, his shaggy brown hair just barely falling over his emerald eyes that went perfectly with his smooth, olive complexion. The muscles on his arms that had been built by years of passionate bass playing slightly twitched every so often, signaling that he was fairly tense. She knew he had a grown some feelings for her, and knew this would be hard for him.
She moved her head to look at the twins who seemed to be discussing something. Allison seemed moderately irritated and Alex just seemed bored. Allison wagged a callused, but otherwise dainty finger in front of her brother's face. They both had matching dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes. Allison's was long and cascaded down her back and Alex's was cut to about his shoulders and had a rough, choppy look to it. They were obviously related, and the only thing significantly different about them besides their genders were their personalities. She was the exuberant lead guitarist of the band while on her brother was the quiet drummer, confined to the back during most of the performances and was used to keeping thoughts to himself. Their heads snapped towards her and surprisingly, Alex was the one to speak first.
"Well, I guess you have to do what you have to do. I mean, we already have our album finished, and while we need practice, we don't exactly need you to practice. Just make sure you have everything down before you get back, alright?" His voice was calm and level, and Allison knew that Allison must have thought it was selfish of her to leave. While this did sting a little bit, Addison pushed the feeling away and reminded herself that she had to do this.
"Alright, I definitely will. I'm gonna miss you guys," She said before hopping to her feet. She walked to where the twins were, hugged them both and then continued to the door. Tristan followed and stopped her before she could walk out of the twins' house.
"I'm gonna miss you kid." He stated with a sad smile, messing up Addison's hair. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed.
"I'm gonna miss you too," she hummed into his chest. She felt him sigh and then broke from the hug. She held him an arms distance away from her and looked up into his green eyes.
"Bye," they said simultaneously. Addison giggled a little bit and walked out the door of the house and continued down the pathway. When she reached the curb she stopped and turned, expected a smiling Tristan to be standing in the open doorway, but she only faced a closed green door. She took in a deep breath and continued down the road. She was completely alone for once, and she knew this wouldn't be the last time.

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