You Can't Just Assume

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“That must be them! I’ll go let them in, and as for you three; Clear out!” And they did as they were told, exiting the library to each of their rooms. Maryse quickly skittered to the door and let in a short, mouse of a man. Age was apparent in his face, as he had a variety of age spots, frown lines, wrinkles, and even a bushy moustache which made him look more official and somewhat threatening.

“Maryse Lightwood? Hello, I’m Isaac Cassavant of the Conclave.” He asked

“Yes, I’m Maryse! Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Institute of Brooklyn, do you need anything? Coffee? Tea? Water?”

“No, no Miss Lightwood, none of that is necessary. May we get to chatting now? This is a very important matter, so we mustn’t dawdle.”  Maryse seemed taken aback, and even a little embarrassed.

“Alright. Follow me, please. We can speak privately in the library” Maryse led the way as the two started down the hallway to the large library Hodge used to inhabit years ago. She opened the library door and they slipped inside, the door closing behind them.

“Now Maryse, the Conclave and I have decided that you and your Institute are the only ones who could carry out our plans precisely,” the man started.“Now I am fairly certain that you are familiar with the name of Zachary Sommers?” Maryse was shocked by the mention of such a criminal.

“Well yes, but what does he have to do with what you summoned me for?”

“He is the reason why I need you, Maryse. Not exactly, him, but his sister. You see, his sister went missing and disappeared from our radars soon after he died in the City. We’ve been looking for her for three years and have finally found her.”

“Well why look for the girl? Her brother served his punishment for his crimes, why does the Clave have interest in his sister?” Maryse was confused. Zachary had been charged for the murder of another Nephilium. He was sentenced to life in the lower level of the City of Bones and gradually withered away until he died in the dark of its dungeons. He had killed one of his on kind, and had been put to death by those of his same kind in return.

“Im afraid I cannot tell you the answer you’re looking for, but I can tell you what we hope you will assist us with. We have already sent a letter to her, telling her that The Clave has requested her presence at your Institute. You’re going to need to house her and keep an eye on her. We’ll be sending someone to help you and observe her by the end of the week.” Maryse’s expression turned from one of confusion, to one of pure irritation.

“Now what makes you think I’ll agree to your plan? You can’t just assume I’ll go along with it just because-“

“No, no of course not. But I must bring your past to your attention. The Clave isn’t yet convinced of your loyalty to it, due to your involvement in the Circle,” the man gave a smug smirk before continuing, “I’d hate to have to tell the Consul that you’re not as loyal as you were thought to be.”  A look of distaste took over Maryse’s face as she contemplated her options.

“Alright. I’ll do it, but what if she refuses to come?” She bit her tongue and decided to agree. If she refused, her family would lose the chance for much needed credibility.

“Oh we are certain that she will refuse. When she declines, I’ll send enforcements to retrieve her and bring her here. Not to worry though, they’re professionals and will harm her as minimally as possible if at all,” Isaac assured her. In reality, his assurance was more off putting than calming. Maryse was about to agree, not that she wanted to, but because she had to. She just had one thing standing in her way.

“Mr.Cassavant, what should I tell the children?” She asked.

“You’re a clever woman, Maryse. I’m sure you can figure something out.” And with a wink, the small man walked out of the library and disappeared down the hallway.

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