Capítulo sem título 2

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Talita looked at herself in the dirty mirror. The chubby face wasn't there, even less the long brown hair. The girl he was staring at was blonde, with big blue eyes and a delicate face and angular features. Perfect skin without any pimples or dark circles, like a photoshopped magazine cover.

She felt sick. Taking a deep breath, she threw water on her face, a face that wasn't hers, but she was ignoring it in order to not go crazy. Talita wasn't proud to say she could only handle one thing at a time, and at that moment she was focused on having jumped down a man's throat and drunk his blood like it was her favorite chocolate.

Waking up in a coffin certainly made her connect the dots quickly, but it wasn't logical or possible, just like waking up in someone else's body.

Of course, the fact that she woke up in another country and was fluently speaking a language she didn't speak before was also desperate.

Should she go to the police? And say what? They kidnapped me and I killed a man by sticking a straw down his neck and drinking from it like it was a milkshake? No, thanks, she liked being free.

She might be stupid and kind of slow, but not to the point where she didn't notice the obvious indications of what was going on.

She remembered the smoke, the fire, and knew well that she was certainly dead, then waking up in the body of a probable vampire — what other supernatural being drinks from humans as if it were a delicious feast? — it wasn't bad at all, she was winning and she liked winning. Not dead was good.

She felt a wave of excitement course through her new body. Her keen hearing picked up every noise in the restaurant she had entered, her sense of smell detected the smell of blood — and other things she equally ignored since nothing stood out like the smell of blood — from meters away, and her quick reflexes were impressive. .

The vampire she now found herself in was powerful and seductive, like Talita had never imagined herself to be before. With her mesmerizing beauty, she could have any human at her feet. There were no limits to what she could achieve. Maybe if she was religious, she would have gotten down on her knees and prayed in gratitude, assuming she wouldn't burn for being a praying monster.

She felt flashes of memories of her previous life, of the people she loved and the life she had left behind. The more she remembered, the more painful it was, so Talitah tried to distract herself with her shiny new toy, vampires. Potentially, when she had a bed and a roof over her head to relax in, Talitah could give herself the privilege of mourning her premature death and the people she would never see again. She remembered the fire that consumed her, and that fire now burned inside her, hungry for the life she didn't want to lose.

In the small bathroom, the walls were adorned with faded floral wallpaper, peeling at the edges from years of neglect. The space was cramped, barely allowing enough room to move around. The sink, stained with age and rust, sat below a chipped mirror that reflected a distorted image. The faucet leaked incessantly, creating a constant drip-drip-drip that echoed in the confined space.

Above, a single fluorescent bulb flickers intermittently, casting a sickly yellow glow that illuminates the room in irregular pulses. The flickering light added an eerie ambiance to the already dreary atmosphere, casting long shadows that seemed to dance along the dingy walls. The environment was not the most pleasant for her to stay for a long time.

What to do?

Get a... job?

Knocking on the bathroom door made Talitah flinch, her senses still trying to take in as far as possible, leaving her confused.

— I'm leaving! — Talitah hurried to do what she really came to do in that bathroom, get rid of the old-fashioned image she displayed. Pulling out the pearls and stuffing them into her little cleavage — who knows? Could be worth something — before combing your hair with your fingers to get rid of the old-fashioned hairstyle. There wasn't much she could do with the dress, it was loose but clearly from another era.

The beat continues.

— One second!

The wooden door shook with the knocks. Talitah wanted to clean up, but the inconvenient bastard kept knocking on the door.

Clenching her hands into fists, she opened the door.

— FUCK! Wait until I finish! YOU little bastard.

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