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Whaat a weird dream it was
Hey bro are u fine now you almost make us scared to death. Sky came to Neo while holding a bowl of soup in it .

Huh what do you mean ? Neo got confused by his brother's question. So don't u remember what happened last night. Neo got confused at sky words.

What do you mean by all this stuff tell me exactly. Come on bro it looks like you were really high last night sky speaks to Neo , you fainted in the forest last night don't you remember that. Now Neo looks at sky while remembering every detail of last night.

Who WAS HE????, It was real ? Neo seems to get confused and scared remembering the sight of that night.

Hey sky what happened last night   who he was, and how did I end up in my bed. What do you mean bro who he was ? Is there someone with you in the woods. Neo looks at him while the sky asks him this question. What do you mean you don't see him, he was fucking going to kill me. I don't know what he was.

Sky looks at Neo while being confused about what he was talking about. Hey Neo calm down we almost got caught last night if mark didn't help us.

At that night

Hey neoo where are you man ........!
Neooooooo!, Sky and mark was calling their friend name because it almost being half hour since his friend went for smoking.
Hey skyyy!, Mark screams from other side and sky run towards him there they saw Neo on the ground with his eyes closed .

Hey Neo Neo wakeup bro what's wrong?.. let's take him to home mark told sky , yeha let's go and they lift Neo and took him with them into the car. Mark help sky to go through window to back in the house while making no noice and helps him to put Neo on the bed .

Present now

So this is what happened last night what really ?Neo almost screams at him .yeah there is no one with you and you should stop smoking now if you gonna fainted anywhere.
You almost got me heart attack bitchhh sky playfully hit Neo head.

Neo got up from the bed where are you going ? He didn't speak and went straight to the bathroom and opens his shirt while looking in the mirror and he started seeing the spot where he felt that man bite , but there is nothing his skin is totally fine.

He thinks may be sky was right and went for a shower. After that he went to the college with his brother and started studying.

Hey Neo how are you know ? Mark asked Neo who responded with yeah better than before.
Mark nodded. Everything went smooth again Neo lockers filled with bunch of gifts and cards but he never cares he took his things and closes it.

Ohwohh boy never seems to care about the gifts and cards he recieved, Neo looks behind him there he was Robin , comeon Robin it's not something new Neo told him. Yeah yeah I know Robin speaks so are u free today  he asked the other young man who started to go away from him , NO Neo replied shortly .

Hey Robin what are youu doing here the young girl asked Robin and Neo went straight to the class . Hi Camille, tchhhh shit he leaves again Robin cursed in his mind.

After the class

Hey sky wanna go for fishing as mark asked sky ,no way it's so boring he replied. Hey Neo do you wanna go with me , exactly where we are going because I know you aren't someone who likes to do fishing.

Wohoho mark exclaimed with joy bro you know me very well he laughs , well now you know it so I am going near the forest Lake for camping wanna join ? Mark asked them , sky almost yelled at him with a big No , hey sky please mark was hugging and clinging on him for saying yes , look we are not going just shut up and go home , I WILL COME Neo speaks

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