Human Error, Part 2

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Last time on Transformers Omniverse, the Autobots got a virtual reality for Christmas, giving them the chance to get the experience of being human. But then Professor Paradox came and warned the two teens that Soundwave has returned, and has plans to take control of machines and enslave humans again. Left with no other choice, the two teens were forced to retreat from the Soundwave toy army while the main Soundwave begins to take control on the virtual reality device. Back with the Auto-men, they see a giant version of Soundwave, who was looking down at them. Bumblebee: "Guess that's proof that Sari was right, Soundwave is back..." Optimus Prime: "And he's taken over the virtual world..." Prowl: "We better escape while we can." Soundwave: "Escape impossible, Autobots inferior, Soundwave superior." said Soundwave, before he takes out what looked like a keytar, and some sort of sonic waves were coming out of it as he begins playing it. Bulkhead: "I feel kind of foggy in my processor..." Ratchet: "Soundwave is trying to control us through his music like how did with those other machines before." Optimus Prime: "We... have to fight his control..." as much as they tried to, the music was too much, and their eyes began to turn red. Soundwave: "Autobot reprogramming is in process, now it is the humans' turn... commence operation human control." once he said that, Soundwave lets out some sonic waves from his keytar that spread across all of Detroit, and the music of the sonic waves started to put all the people into some kind of hypnotic trance. Once they got to Sumdac tower, Sari and Ben were on their way to see Professor Sumdac, in hopes that he can help them. It wasn't long before they found him, but he seemed to be in some hypnotic trance. Diamond Head Ben: "What's wrong with him?" Sari: "I don't know... he looks like he's in some kind of trance..." that was when a Soundwave toy appeared, and begins to play some music that sounded like that hypnotic music the real Soundwave makes when he was controlling the machines. Professor Sumdac: "The techno organic and alien human must be destroyed..." said the professor in hypnotic speak, trying to grab the teens, who managed to dodge him. Ben: "Uh... Professor... you're starting to creep us out." Sari: "Yeah... you're talking just like... Soundwave!, he must have found a way to brainwash humans too!" Ben: "But why aren't we being controlled?" Sari: "Maybe Soundwave's music can't work on a techno organic like me or you in your alien form." that was when the Omnitrix started to beep, meaning that Ben was about to change back. But once a big flash came and faded, Ben was now Grey Matter, much to the teen's surprise. Grey Matter Ben: "What the?, why didn't I turn human again?" Sari: "I don't know, but it might be a good thing now, for I'll bet that you'd be under Soundwave's control once you do like my dad and maybe everyone else in Detroit." Grey Matter Ben: "Speaking of which, we better get moving before your dad tries to catch us!" Professor Sumdac: "The techno organic and alien human must be destroyed." said the mind controlled professor, before Sari uses her jet pack to fly off into the air while carrying Grey Matter Ben in her hands. Sari: "Now what do we do?, we can't face Soundwave on our own, and the only ones who can stop him are now his hostages and all that..." Grey Matter Ben: "Well... it's a long shot, but I think we might get help on Dinobot island." Sari: "Wait... you don't mean..." Grey Matter Ben: "I said it's a long shot, but they're the only ones I can think of." Sari: "Alright... I hope we can get them to cooperate." said Sari, as she and Ben head off to Dinobot island. Once they got to the island, Ben and Sari begin their search for the Dinobots, in hopes that they can help them save the Autobots from Soundwave. It wasn't long before they found the three Dinobots, lead by Grimlock (voiced by David Kaye), the T-Rex Dinobot. Grimlock: "Intruders!, Dinobots destroy intruders!" Sari: "Wait!, we came for your help." Grimlock: "Dinobots not help little human, Dinobots destroy human!" Grey Matter Ben: "Hold on big guy, we wouldn't have come here if we didn't need to, but the Autobots are now Soundwave's hostages, and you guys are the only ones who can help us save them." Grimlock: "Why Dinobots help humans help Autobots?" Grey Matter Ben: "Well for starters, you have the Autobot symbol on ya, which means you're also Autobots in a way, and also if Soundwave takes over the minds of humans and machines, he'll try to control you too." Sari: "Not to mention that the bot that saved your sparks some time ago, who is one of those Autobots, has been captured by Soundwave too." Grimlock: "Hmm... What's in it for Dinobots?" Sari: "Well... you can be heroes if you help." Grimlock: "Heroes?" Grey Matter Ben: "Yeah... being a hero means helping others, and stopping the bad guy from doing something bad." Grimlock: "Hmm... Dinobots might help... if tiny human and friend beat me Grimlock in battle." Sari: "What?!, but how can we..." suddenly, the Omnitrix started to beep, and with a flash before fading away, Ben was now Four Arms, who was ready for battle. Four Arms Ben: "Okay... this should help." Grimlock: "How did little guy get big?" Four Arms Ben: "I would explain, but we don't have a lot of time, so let's get this battle finished as soon as possible." so with that, the battle between Grimlock and Four Arms Ben begins, and it was tough for both ends as both were very strong and tough. After nearly 5 minutes of fighting, the battle ends in a draw. Grimlock: "Me Grimlock impressed." Four Arms Ben: "You weren't so bad yourself." Sari: "Hey guys, let's focus on getting to the main land and save the Autobots and stop Soundwave." that was when the Pteranodon Dinobot, who was named Swoop (voiced by Bumper Robinson), came over to Sari. Swoop: "Me Swoop wonder how other Dinobots get to mainland?" Sari: "Wait... you can talk?" Swoop: "Me Swoop can... and so can him Snarl." said Swoop, looking at Snarl (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), who was the Triceratops Dinobot. Snarl: "Yes, me Snarl can talk too." Sari: "Huh... who knew..." Four Arms Ben: "You know... Swoop makes a good point, how are we gonna get them off the island?" Sari: "You didn't think of that?" Four Arms Ben: "Not really, to be honest, I didn't think we would get this far with them." Grimlock: "Me Grimlock think those other bots might have a way." Sari: "What other bots?" asked Sari, before the Dinobots lead her and Ben to a beach, where a pair of construction vehicle mode Cybertronians were trying to draw a journal on the sand. It was Mixmaster (voiced by Jeff Bennett) and Scrapper (voiced by Tom Kenny), the Constructicons, who were stranded on Dinobot island since their last encounter with the Autobots. Mixmaster: "How many days has it been since we've been on this island?" Scrapper: "No idea... the waves keep washing the journal away..." Mixmaster: "We never should have listen to that Dirt Boss jerk... not only did he treated us like dirt like how Megatron did, but he nearly blew us up with that oil, and got us stranded on this island..." Scrapper: "Yeah... though I didn't wished for him to get blown up." Mixmaster: "Yeah... me neither... but at least we're free..." that was when they noticed the Dinobots, Four Arms Ben and Sari coming towards them. Scrapper: "Uh oh... it's those Dinobots again... and their... pets?" Four Arms Ben: "We are not pets!, and also we were hoping if you can help us back to the mainland." Scrapper: "What's in it for us?" Sari: "Some motor oil should be good enough for ya." Mixmaster: "Look, even if we want to help ya, we have no way to get off this island." Sari: "You're Constructicons, why don't you just construct a boat?" Scrapper: "Construct a... hey!, now why didn't we think of that?" said Scrapper, as he and Mixmaster face palmed themselves, feeling stupid for not thinking of that sooner. Mixmaster: "Maybe we needed a boss after all... Four Arms Ben: "You could join the Autobots." Mixmaster: "Nice try, but we're Decepticons now, as we got the symbols to prove it." Sari: "But Bulkhead is in trouble, and aren't you his friends?" Scrapper: "Well... we don't really know this Bulkhead all that well." Sari: "Oh right... I forgot that they lost most of their memories some time ago..." said Sari to herself, remembering how the Constructicons lost their memories when they tried to steal the AllSpark fragments some time ago. Mixmaster: "But tell you what, we'll build this boat and get you to the mainland, but once we get there, you and the Dinobots are on your own." Sari: "Deal." so with that, the two Constructicons build a raft big enough to carry themselves, the Dinobots, and Sari to ride on, while Ben was now in another alien form thanks to the Omnitrix. This time, Ben was now an alien fish man called Rip Jaws, which allows him to swim through the water. While swimming down, he noticed what looked like a Cybertronian that most of his body stuck in the bottom. Once he took a closer look, Rip Jaws Ben sees that it was Wreck-Gar (voiced by Weird Al Yankovic), the garbage Cybertronian that saved the city from being destroyed by out of control microbots some time ago. Rip Jaws Ben: "Who are you?" Wreck-Gar: "Fear not creature of the deep, I am Wreck-Gar, I am a hero!... but uh... could you perhaps give me a hand or a fin...?" Rip Jaws Ben: "Yeah, sure thing." said Ben, before he managed to free Wreck-Gar from the bottom of the lake, and soon both came to the raft. Sari: "Wreck-Gar?, you're online?" Wreck-Gar: "I am Wreck-Gar, I'm more than online, I am a hero!" Scrapper: "Who is this junk head?" Sari: "A bot who came online by an AllSpark fragment like how you and Mixmaster did, and he's now the newest member of the substitute Autobots." Grimlock: "But me Grimlock, Swoop and Snarl not Autobots, Me Grimlock, Swoop and Snarl be Dinobots." Rip Jaws Ben: "Yes, but the Dinobots are also a type of Autobot, like how the Constructicons are a type of Decepticon." Grimlock: "Oh... me Grimlock knew that." it wasn't long before they got to mainland, and once they did, the Constructicons went off on their own. Mixmaster: "So long, and good luck on saving those Autobots." Scrapper: "Yeah, you might need it." said the Constructicons, before the went to vehicle mode and drove off to who knows where. Sari: "Alright, Dinobots, and Wreck-Gar, our target is Soundwave, and the Autobots are the ones we have to rescue, otherwise we'll all be either enslaved or destroyed." Wreck-Gar: "Um... would this Soundwave guy be holding some sort of instrument?" Rip Jaws Ben: "Yeah, how did you know?" Wreck-Gar: "Cause he might be over there." said Wreck-Gar, pointing at Soundwave, who was holding his keytar and playing some music when the Autobots, with glowing red eyes, came to the scene. Optimus Prime: "The techno organic and alien human hybrid must be destroyed." Sari: "Uh oh..." Rip Jaws Ben: "Oh man..." Sari: "This will be challenging, but if we can get Soundwave lose control of Prime and the others, we might be able to beat him." Grimlock: "Dinobots take down all robots!" Swoop: "Yes, Swoop take down bad robots!" Snarl: "Me Snarl ram robots!" said the Dinobots, before they charge towards the Autobots, who managed to take on the Dinobots and taking them down due to having much better team work. Wreck-Gar: "Wow, those are dumb dinosaurs." Grimlock: "Me Grimlock not like you!" this made Wreck-Gar gulp a bit, before he pulls out what looked like a big accordion and started playing a song he's making up. Wreck-Gar: "♪Okay here's a tip you should never ignore♫, ♪it's about a bad idea to taunt a Dinosaur, and I'm running out the door♫, ♪run, run, run~♫, ♪run, run, run, from the dinosaur~♫!" sang Wreck-Gar while playing his accordion and running away from the robotic dinosaur. Sari: "Guys!, cut it out!, you're teammates, remember!" Rip Jaws Ben: "Oh man... not only does the team we have are lacking team work... but I'm having... a hard time breathing... without water in this alien form..." suddenly, the Omnitrix started to beep, before it made a big flash and now Ben was in another alien form again. This time, Ben was now what looked like a ghost like alien with one eye called Ghost Freak, and that's when an idea came into the teenager's head. Ghost Freak Ben: "Say... this one should do the trick." Sari: "What trick?" Ghost Freak Ben: "You'll see..." said Ben, before he merged himself into Soundwave, forcing the Decepticon to drop the keytar, allowing the Autobots to finally free themselves from the Decepticon's control. Optimus Prime: "Oh man... I was never a big fan of Soundwave's music..." Bulkhead: "That goes double for me... hey, what are the Dinobots doing here, and who's that bot Grimlock is chasing?" asked Bulkhead, who just noticed Wreck-Gar being chased by Grimlock. Ratchet: "I don't believe it... it's Wreck-Gar... that kid is still online..." Bumblebee: "I thought he was destroyed by the microbots." Optimus Prime: "Never mind that now, we need to stop Soundwave before he tries to take over our processors again." said Optimus Prime, before Soundwave finally frees himself from Ben's control and picked up the keytar. Soundwave: "You will pay for your interference, Ratbat deploy, commence operation enemy destruction." once Soundwave had said that, the keytar transformed into a Cybertronian bat, much to everyone's surprise. Sari: "Okay... didn't see that one coming..." Ghost Freak Ben: "How many living instruments does he have?" Soundwave: "Only Laserbeak and Ratbat, but they're more than enough to destroy you organics, especially with my organic army." said Soundwave, before a lot of mind controlled humans, including Professor Sumdac and Captain Fanzone, came to the scene. Grimlock: "Me Grimlock won't fall by robot bird or bat or little humans, me Grimlock destroy robot bird and bat, and tiny humans!" the other two Dinobots roared in agreedment, before Sari stood in front of them with an angry look on her face, which somehow gave the Dinobots some fear in their sparks. Sari: "Listen good you guys, one of those humans happens to be my dad, and the guy who created you in the first place, if you so much harm at least one hair... I will take all 3 of you apart with my own hands, is that clear!" shouted Sari, making the Dinobots nodded in fear, knowing better than to push her anger any further. Ghost Freak Ben: "Whoa... that kind of even freaked me out..." Bumblebee: "No kidding... I do not want to get on her bad side..." Ratchet: "And you all said I had a temper..." Prowl: "Well she does not want her father to be harmed, so I can't really blame her." the Dinobots took a few steps back, never before were they scared of the wrath from a human before, especially a human that was half Cybertronian like Sari. Grimlock: "Um... what Dinobots can destroy then?" Sari: "Well... you can destroy those Soundwave toys along with the big Soundwave and his flying pets." Grimlock: "Okay, Dinobots, destroy Soundwave and tiny toys, but not tiny humans." Snarl: "Me Snarl agree, Me Snarl not want human girl mad." Swoop: "Me Swoop agree, human girl scary." said the Dinobots, before they went off to attack Soundwave and his flying pets and toy army. Ratchet: "I don't believe it... Sari managed to get the Dinobots to listen to reason..." Bumblebee: "How did she pulled it off?" Optimus Prime: "We'll figure that out later, right now we need to make sure that none of the humans get harmed." Wreck-Gar: "I can help, the mighty Wreck-Gar the hero will help fellow Autobots protect the humans." Bulkhead: "Can he be trusted?" Ratchet: "Well he's a bot with a good spark, he just needs someone to guide him to the right path." Wreck-Gar: "I am Wreck-Gar, I'm a bot with a good spark but needs a bot to guide me to the right path." Ratchet: "See what I mean?" Optimus Prime: "Well at this point, we'll need all the help we can get." said Optimus Prime, before he and the other Autobots do their best to destroy the Soundwave toys without harm the min controlled humans in the process. It wasn't long before Soundwave summons Ratbat to him, and begins to play his hypnotic music again. This time though, Optimus Prime came prepared, as he took a hold on Laserbeak, and forced him to transform in order for the Autobot to play back some musical sonic waves against the Decepticon. Soundwave: "You will obey Soundwave." Optimus Prime: "Sorry Soundwave, but it's time to your tune, commence operation face the music." said Optimus Prime, before he used Laserbeak like an axe and cuts down both Soundwave and Ratbat in half, resulting them to break into many pieces. Once Soundwave was defeated, all the mini Soundwave toys broke apart and fell to the ground, and it wasn't long before all the humans in the area and the whole city came back to their senses. Professor Sumdac: "Oh... what happened?" Captain Fanzone: "Oh... this is why I hate machines..." Sari: "Dad!" Ghost Freak Ben: "Uncle Fanzone!, you're okay." the sight of Ben's alien form spooked Captain Fanzone a lot. Captain Fanzone: "Ben?!, what on earth..." Ghost Freak Ben: "Oh... yeah uh... long story..." said Ben, before Professor Paradox came to the scene and pressed his finger on the Omnitrix symbol on Ben's alien form, and it wasn't long before the teen was finally able to turn back into his normal human form. Professor Paradox: "Sorry, can't have stuck in alien form forever now that Soundwave and his army has been taken care of, of course we'll see each other again sooner of later, ta ta." said the time traveling professor, before he left the scene. Unaware to anyone at the time, Laserbeak took a hold on Soundwave's core, and flew off to who knows where. Once the danger has passed, the Autobots were helping the Dinobots get back to their island. Sari: "Listen up, if we ever need your help again, you answer right away, got it." Grimlock: "Yes little lady, Dinobots understand." Sari: "Good, until then, enjoy the holidays on your island." said Sari, before the Dinobots got on the raft and sailed back to Dinobot island. Bumblebee: "Hey... has anyone seen Wreck-Gar anywhere?, he's supposed to be helping us clean up this mess here." said Bumblebee, looking at the remaining scrap of the Soundwave toys. Sari: "He's already doing it." said Sari, pointing at the garbage bot using a large vacuum to clean up the mess. Wreck-Gar: "Never fear, Wreck-Gar the hero will clean up this town." Optimus Prime: "Well it looks like we kind of got some new members to the team." Sari: "Yeah, but I want to leave the role of leader to you, I don't know how you do it." Optimus Prime: "Honestly, we never knew how tough it was being human either." Prowl: "I however enjoyed the experience, showing us how they live." Optimus Prime: "Sounds like you kind of missed being human." Prowl: "A wise girl once said we should be thankful for the things we have." Sari: "Like family?" Optimus Prime: "Yeah... like family." that was when they noticed that Wreck-Gar was wearing a Santa Claus beard and hat while throwing garbage out from a large bag. Wreck-Gar: "Ho, ho, ho!, merry Christmas!, garbage for all the good little children!" said Wreck-Gar in joy, before Ratchet gives himself a face palm in annoyance. Ratchet: "Something tells me that we're gonna take a lot of time teaching the kid on things here." Ben: "No kidding..." Sari: "Hey Ben... don't look now but..." said Sari, before pointing up at what looked like a mistletoe above her and Ben, which made the teenage boy blush a little. Ben: "Uh... should we?" Sari: "It's only a Christmas tradition." said Sari, before she kissed Ben on the cheek, which made him blush a little bit.

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