Chapter 49: Cost Of Freedom

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With Allen

Arriving at the rendezvous had find an extremely large destroyer housing a single turret but multiple missile tubes as well as Sam launchers as well as it carrying the flag the main lands navy uses <un flag> as on the side it wrote Umkhonto. standing on the bow of Tashkent's ship the three of them watched as multiple sailors stood on the side holding a salute as three figures came out the bridge, upon first sight hornet jumped from the destroyer hugging Allen who caught her as they both embraced briefly

Allen: good to see you horny

Hornet: stop it, where is Enterprise?

Allen: she's here just Radio silent for the time being but I can safely say she's all right

Short timeskip - UN Umkhonto command centre

Allen: I see you've become a fully fledged man *ack*

Allen was currently in a headlock by commander Markova, why we'll the two have been friends for a long time and Allen thought it was smart to poke fun at her

Markova: I see the girls have made you soft kid *tightens grip*they always said sex is poisonous

Allen: ed help... Pwease

Edwards: *sighs* Markova

She immediately let him go as he finally gets some air

Tashkent: should you really be playing at this very moment comrade?

Allen: I shouldn't *clears throat* so what's the situation

Edward's: thanks to both hornet and Yorktown's unending help we had managed to fight against the siren threat communications are showing their forces are gradually slowing down but their carriers using jet engine aircraft is making this a whole lot harder than this needs to be but seeing you're here that's definitely already covered so essentially we're just providing extra support where needed

Allen: huh...things aren't as bad as I thought

Markova: I take offense are you claiming we're incompetent

Allen: you definitely

Markova: bah don't be uptight I'm just pulling- wait what did you say-

Edwards: regardless truthfully the help really eases the loads on our both our carrier and land pilots they have quite literally been performing nonstop air patrol and raids for days a part of me wishes the design bureau would ramp up the production of these jet engine porotypes although porotypes hornet is using them like a champ

Allen: really now? Back at base Akashi and Graf zeppelin were having an extremely hard time with them

Hornet: aside from them taking up an unnecessary amount of hanger space my cap and payload efficiencies have sky rocketed never seen a naval strike craft fly out 6000 pounds worth of ordnance while still having above average movement and speed

Allen: noted Markova-

Just then a solder barged into the command room it was clear

Markova: Miko?

Miko: commanders emergency come now please

Miko then runs out as the entire group follows suit immediately as they exited they noticed the sky being blood red as the waves themselves were entirely still just then multiple huge holographic screens appeared in the skies before each and every vessel in sight and beyond showcasing a black screen however a few seconds later it showed multiple leaders for mainland as well as the president all tied up in chairs while a siren stood in front of them all

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