05 - Pop Kid

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It was a regular afternoon. There were birds singing in the area, as well as the sound of someone's radio playing nearby. There would also be the sound of traffic and an airplane flying by, though none of this could distract the man from his task.

This man was Quest, and he had settled at a small table at the local café to write notes of others' outfits. He was very focused - enough to forget the presence of the beverage he had ordered as his eyes were glued to the notepad, occasionally peeking up at a stranger walking by.

'Tank top. Large. Bright pink. Visible white bra. Jeans. Red sandals. Clearly not giving a damn about making a decent appearance.' He quickly scribbled down the traits he had noticed about the stranger's outfit. 'I need to avoid denim. It's just bland. Same three colors. Nobody seems to care about what's on their lower body. Shame.'

He glanced up again, only to view a new stranger staring back at him from a distance. This stranger had an odd outfit in comparison to the rest he had been introduced to that day. '...Hm.' He quickly examined what he saw. 'Short hair... long bangs... purple. This creep has one of those stands, I just know it. No regular guy would be wearing that with such a stupid haircut.'

The stranger was wearing a white school uniform, with its jacket wide open, revealing an orange undershirt with an unidentifiable logo on the chest. His pants and shoes matched the jacket, and he would be wearing a silver necklace with two bracelets on each wrist. This person's brown eyes were eagerly staring at Quest as he began walking towards him.

Quest only felt tension as he was approached by the man. He watched as he pulled out the table's other chair and sat at the table, still staring at him excitedly. Several moments of awkward silence before Quest finally asked; "God, WHAT?! Who are you, and what the hell do you want, you damn Joestar wannabe?"

He was given a smug expression. The man rested his arms on the table. "Is it that obvious?" He snickered. "Or, well, I'm not a J--" He was immediately caught off guard by the full cup of hot cocoa being thrown in his face. He let out a screech from the intense heat, and he would stumble out of the chair in panic. Quest casually set the cup back down onto the table and glanced back at the notepad. "Damn. You made me get hot chocolate on my notes." He said calmly.

"MY COUSIN!" The stranger shouted. Quest's eyebrows raised at the words and watched as he slowly struggled to stand up again. "My cousin is a Joestar! I'm not even blood-related to their fami--" He was interrupted again by the cup being directly thrown at him, causing him to fall back down. "Sorry. Slipped outta my hand." Quest shrugged.

He then stood up to get a better view of the stranger, who was now sitting on the pavement and rubbing his own face. Quest sighed and approached him. "You're new here, huh?" He asked him. The stranger nodded. "What gave it away?" He gave a nervous response. The person towering over him would cross his arms. "You should know that anyone associated with the Joestars are very much not welcome on campus." Quest said. "I suggest you avoid bragging about such a trait."

"Oh god damn it." He then heard a familiar female voice speak behind him. The woman ran up to the scene, seeming stressed at the sight of her friend starting another fight. "Quest, can you go five minutes without starting this shit?!" Ellas snapped.

Quest would see her stare at the stranger on the ground, her hands positioned as if she were holding an object. The other man clumsily stood up, shouted "Pop Kid!" and made an odd pose at both of them, which would make her step back and seem nervous. "What?... Oh, is this jackass presenting his stand or something now?" Quest rolled his eyes.

Though her friend saw nothing, Ellas would see a strange stand be summoned by the other man. It was a shiny humanoid being with the appearance of a cheap plastic material, though its chest looked like round speakers that would be seen on a radio. She could also see radio antennae on its head, as well as a lack of an entire face, which gave her chills. It didn't take long for her to aim Plastic Love at the stand and its user.

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