10 - Blue Monday

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It was another day. The reconstruction of the streets had finally begun, and the college had announced that the classes would continue tomorrow. Some were ready to finally do something, some were disappointed that their class break had to end, whilst the rest - a mere two particular students - still had to recover from a petty fight or two. Both were covered in bruises, one had agonizing pain in his entire body, and the other was now afraid to be alone.

These two might've now hated each other, but there wasn't anyone else to hang out with upon this dreadful morning. They found themselves taking a stroll together down the labyrinthine alleys with a certain annoying battle-ghost figure following them with a devious delight.

Joey was one of these men. He didn't want to be alone anymore because of Quest's new stand and its ability, and the fact that Quest still had very little control over Death Cab only worsened the situation. He was currently walking with him. As much as he wanted to snap that guy's spine, he had no one else to even speak to at the moment. Allison was nowhere to be seen, and Ellas refused to even leave her dorm room today.

Quest, on the other hand, was only with him now due to still feeling as if he were in debt to the man. Sure, they might've fought the hell out of each other here and there, but he couldn't brush off the fact Joey saved him from a possible death, let alone a cold... even if it got weird. Though, he couldn't fake any happiness or friendliness towards him now, as he's been getting annoyed at his own stand ever since it manifested into his soul.

Joey was looking around, analyzing everything in his sight as he stepped past it. The other was trying to do this as well, though in a different way. He was trying his best to remember a single piece of scenery that surrounded him before everything blacked out that day. He currently could only remember one thing - that dagger. The golden dagger with such intricate patterns in the design within its blade. Not to mention the oddly small size, making it seem more like a poor excuse of a fancy shiv if anything.

"Ohhhh!~ A blue little baggy!~ I am so glad I am wasting my glorious time with such a journey, aren't you SO joyful, Q.T.?~" Death Cab spoke in its high-pitched voice for the seventh time in the past ten minutes. Quest's eye would only twitch in response. His fists clenched as he started walking faster, with the other man joining him, as well as the stand behind them. Joey let out an obviously forced laugh at it. "That thing's really... yeah..." He blurted out. The other let out a grunt and sigh. "Let's just find the damn place already." Quest hissed.

Death Cab suddenly zipped past the two, leaving behind a short and black ghostly trail of fog behind it. "...God, what now?" Its user would bark. The two immediately decided to follow it, struggling to catch up to it due to its speed. Their footsteps echoed down the alley, whilst the stand was finally staying silent for once. His legs may have been having sharp agonizing pains for every step he took, but for now, this was the most peaceful experience within the recent events Quest had went through. 'At least I can think now.'

"...Quest?" Joey called out to the man beside him in an anxious tone. The only response he managed was the other's head slightly turning towards him, which was enough for him to continue. "Ah... so, what did that mugger guy even look like?" He asked. The other exhaled. "...I can't remember. I can't even picture a face in my head... or his clothes..." Quest said. "...but I need to find his ass. I know he's behind... that thing." He hinted at his own stand. Joey's eyes widened. He remained silent as they continued chasing Death Cab down the hidden streets.

It would then stop as if something hit the pause button on it. It was now staring down at an area with several very dark splotches of color, which one could only assume was dried up blood. There would be nothing else surrounding it, except for four other pathways leading away from it, including the one they all would come from. As the two finally reached this destination, one would finally retrieve a memory as the other quickly grew uneasy at such a sight.

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