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meet me outside the department
building before class


because we're dating...?

okay and...?

we'll walk in together, dude
get the point, wannabe smartass

i'll be there in 15

make it quick!!


It had already been a week since Areum and Jake put their little plan into action and needless to say, it was working out perfectly. They weren't being too over with it. In fact, they barely even did anything except eat lunch and sit together in class, but everyone seemed to believe them so far which only acted as a green signal for them to make it 'official' and get everything over with as soon as possible.

Her dad had been getting better each day and she lied to her parents that she had finally started seeing someone. Her mom's happiness wasn't something that could be controlled after hearing that and she'd been asking Areum to introduce them to her 'boyfriend', but she'd been dodging that to the best of her abilities.

Areum was now in the parking lot, grabbing her things while thinking about the long day planned ahead of her. She went to the front of the business department building only to see Jake waiting there for her. Walking up to him, she cleared her throat to make his attention turn from his phone screen to her.

"Good morning, love", he said with the brightest smile ever.

However, Areum could only stand there confused as to why he was so in character even though there was no one around.

"Why are you-" she got cut off by a hug from Jake just as she was about to question him.

"Shut up," he whispered into her ear, "Yuna's watching."

He wrapped his arms around Areum's waist and lifted her off her feet, spinning her a little in his arms. And Areum, of course, was taken aback by the sudden action but quickly managed to firmly place her hands on Jake's shoulders for support.

Once he put her back on her feet, she lightly flicked his forehead and got out of his grasp, but not too abruptly, just for the sake of the act.

"No one should be able to be this energetic first thing in the morning", she rolled her eyes playfully. "Let's get to class."

"Yes, m'lady", he said while holding Areum's hand before walking into the building.

To nobody's surprise, everyone was staring at the two as they made their way towards the lecture hall, hands still interlocked. The two had decided at that moment, that they could now finally make things 'official'.


Classes were over and so Areum was sitting at the library, getting done with some unfinished assignments alone, because Jake wasn't there to bother her since he had soccer practice. He had to be in tip-top shape for the upcoming match with a rival university at the end of the week. She had just gotten done with her assignments when her phone vibrated; it was a text from Giselle.



what is it??

i'm bored
like i might just die

wanna go out? is that what you
want me to say??

omg sure!! 🤭
i'm outside your dep building



Grabbing her things, Areum headed out the library and to the front of the building. Just as she stepped out, she saw Giselle waving at her from a distance which brought a smile to her face without her even realizing it.

"I missed you!" Giselle complained while clinging onto Areum's arm. "You've forgotten about me now that you have a boyfriend, haven't you?"

"Don't start spewing nonsense!" Areum scolded her friend.

"Yeah, yeah say whatever you want," she rolled her eyes.

The two girls sat inside Areum's car and started driving towards a nice restaurant while catching up with each other.

"How are your parents reacting to this whole boyfriend thing so far?"

"Mom's been asking me to introduce him to them but all I can do is dodge it by saying that we're still only getting to know each other," Areum sighed while brushing a hand through her hair.

Giselle could only hum at her friend's response since she was unaware of her reasons for agreeing to this whole thing in the first place. The atmosphere went silent for a while as Areum decided to put on some music and change the topic.

"Forget about all that," she spoke while wriggling her eyebrows at her friend playfully, "You tell me about your love life...the real one."

"Girl, what do you mean?" Giselle blushed while letting out a nervous chuckle.

"You definitely know what I mean," she smirked.

"Ugh, fine...so y'know Jay, right?" she gave in and started spilling the tea.

But all Areum could do was make an 'o' expression as she knew where this was headed.

"Jay as in Jay Park? Jake's friend? The one with the sharp jawline?"

"Girl, calm down. Nothing that serious has happened yet."

"Are you sure, though? 'Cause your flushed face definitely tells me another story."

"Okay, okay," Giselle explained, "maybe we...kind of...made out."

The last words came out almost as low as a whisper but were enough for Areum to hear over the music that was playing.


Areum abruptly pressed on the brakes and got a few shouts from old grumpy drivers, side-eyeing her before driving away, but she had more important things to pay attention to.

"When? How? Where?"

"Two days ago-"

"Bitch, you're telling me all this two days after it all happened? Wow. I feel betrayed," Areum put a hand on her chest dramatically.

"I was gonna tell you," Giselle defended herself, "I just didn't know how!"

"Save it for later, miss girl. We're here."

They got out the car and went inside the restaurant, not knowing what the night held for them.


- inyeonn

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