the dream.

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The rest of the day yesterday went pretty normal. Apart from ye seo and yeonjin never coming back. But then again, I wasn't
really that upset, I'm used to being alone.

The clock strikes 3 and I shifted in my bed uncomfortably with sweat dripping from my forehead. I felt my heart racing and thumping in my chest, getting louder with every passing second. I felt my hands drenched in sweat, shake uncontrollably as I tried to catch my breath.
"Jia" I hear a whisper behind me. I look behind me to see a woman covered in blood gripping onto her neck that had just been slit on the side, next to the main blood artery. She struggled to breath on the floor as I walked closer and closer to her without a single hint of discomfort on my face. I stayed normal, but sweat abnormally.
"r u n" she stuttered in her hitching breath. It was obvious that she was in pain.
My hand stretched out to touch hers which had previously been covering her neck wound as I saw the soul being taken out of her now half- dead body became close to lifeless. She grabbed my hand in all the force that she could, her weakness showing until every last bit of strength in her body was slowly taken away...

"Ms." I woke up panting to Secretary Kim looking over me worried
"Your flight to New York is due depart in an hour." She says looking at me concernedly
"Get out." I said to her as she looked at me with questioning face

"Pain is a sign of weakness, you won't respect me any longer if you see me in pain. Get out, I'll get ready for my flight." I Say standing up from my bed and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Are you sure you want to go?" She says to me as I take turn on the cold water so that I can shower
"Who are you to question my decisions" I say coldly, hearing a click of the door right afterward


I wear my airport outfit, my bags are already downstairs and the sun hasn't risen yet. I open my balcony and step outside to get some fresh air. I love it at this time. When nobodies awake. Everyone's soul is asleep and you have no expectations to fulfil whatsoever. It's just so peaceful.

"I see you like the early morning breeze?" A strange voice says behind me

I turn around to see who it is
"When everybody is asleep" wan joon continues

"I guess" I say contributing to the awkward silence between us
"Why are you awake?" I ask while staring into the night sky
"Just finishing some MC business'' he says stuffing his hands in his pockets
"What about you?" He says

"I'm going to New York fashion week" I reply awkwardly

"You're not half as bad as you seem to be" he says glancing over at me
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I say laughing softly

"Neither are you" I say glancing at him

The atmosphere thickened. We knew nothing about each other. Nothing.
"Ms Jia your plane is ready" Asisstant Kim says

"Don't do anything you'll regret, you're 18 now, the media doesn't see you as a child anymore." he says, going back to his room
I went inside the car taking one last look at my house before setting off to go to the airport

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