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Rules are for everyone's convenience and to avoid potential conflicts

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Rules are for everyone's convenience and to avoid potential conflicts. As long as everyone is on the same page and follows rules, we all can have a great time.



✤ All stories must be in English.

✤ All stories must follow Wattpad guidelines.

✤ Your story must have at least seven parts. If it's poetry you have to have seven poems. They need to be published at the time you enter. 

✤You can enter up to two stories but not in the same genre.

✤Choose how you want to receive feedback. 

✤ You must follow your judges after they are announced.

✤You must follow our profiles thecogitatiorealm and TCRreads 

✤The books which won 1-3 places in any of our awards can't enter. The author is welcome to submit any other book.

✤Give a shout-out to this book to raise awareness of the awards, tagging our profile as well.

✤You must inform us of username change or book title change if that happens while the awards are ongoing. (If we can't find you or your book due to name/title change you will be disqualified)

✤Don't try to bribe your judges, that will cause you to lose the spot in the awards.

✤Add this book to your library or reading list to be informed of any possible changes.

Failure to follow the rules will disqualify you from awards.



✤You can't judge the genre in which you entered as a participant.

✤You must follow our profiles thecogitatiorealm and  TCRreads 

✤You must be able to join our Discord and have a test judging before we can fully sign you up. 

✤You must be available to read all entries in the genre which was assigned to you. In a span of three weeks, you will have to read 5-7 chapters of each book in your genre.

✤You must inform us in advance if you changed your username or no longer can be the judge.

Failure to follow the rules will disqualify you from awards.


Feedback Options:

Since Wattpad is removing the Direct Message option and that is how we send feedback to our participants we have a few alternative options from which you can choose how you want to receive feedback. Please choose one option, and we will note it so we could keep track of people's wishes.

Option A: We publish feedback alongside with the scores. This can cause drama, it caused drama with our first awards hence switching to PM feedback. With public feedback, participants often argue in comments and it just opens a door for anyone with their own opinion to comment.

Option B: Sending feedback via PM on Discord. Not everyone is on our server and it seems unfair and unequal to us, it's a decent option but we would need other options for those who don't have Discord. Participants would have to us their username until May 6th though or say username as a comment when picking their option.

Option C: Posting feedback on their wall. It can once again open a window to drama but participants can screenshot it and then delete it, probability of someone else seeing it is kinda low since someone has to go to the wall to see messages there.

Option D: Sending feedback via email. It would be very time-consuming but the most private option and we are willing to put time into giving participants privacy. Participants would have to PM us their emails until May 6th though or share email as a comment when picking their option.


The next part is the timeline and criteria ✤➥

TCR Awards| Fourth editionWhere stories live. Discover now