1. The Olive Theory

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Camp Half-Blood
Year: 2003


Rin Nakamura was not a morning person. 

She had never been a morning person, and yet she dragged her protesting muscles out of bed every morning just before sunrise to act as chaperone. 

Even now she yawned, the crisp morning air nipping at her skin as she pulled her crimson cardigan around herself tighter. The sky above her unfolded with a delicate dance of light and shadow, as she stood just at the edge of camp half-blood's boundaries, and the first tendrils of dawn gently embraced the landscape, casting a soft golden hue upon the world, 

Her gaze wandered across the clearing, settling on the figure of one Luke Castellan as he kneeled in front of the pine tree a few paces away. Thalia's tree, as Rin had come to learn it was called, stood tall, its branches reaching toward the sky in silent reverence, and every time she saw it, Rin found herself thinking of the infamous girl. 

Luke's presence was a familiar one, his silhouette a constant in the morning ritual that had become a part of their shared existence. It's not like he needed the chaperoning, but Rin liked to be there anyway. After all, it was only fair, as he often accompanied her too, to the little grave that lay just beyond the border. He insisted that it was for her safety, but even he had to know by now that she was more than capable enough to protect herself. 

It was just their way of things. 

Comrades in arms. Comrades in grief. 

There were always subtle shifts in his demeanour too when he returned. Subtle yet unmistakable for someone who had known him so long. An intensity in his gaze, a restless energy that seemed to simmer just beneath the surface. It was as if the mere sight of the tree ignited something within him, a fire that burned with a fervent passion.

It both scared and intrigued her, but if Rin was one thing, it was curious. 

Curiosity killed the cat.

That's what her father used to say, often to dissuade her from her hazardous undertakings, but it never did her any good. 

But satisfaction brought it back, her stepmother countered every time and so Rin, much to her detriment, was left to let her curious nature fester. 

"Earth to Rin?"

Rin blinked, her thoughts momentarily disrupted by Luke's sudden intrusion. Then she blinked again, focusing on his face as if reeling herself back from the depths of her own musings. His fingers snapped in front of her, and she recoiled slightly, a scowl forming on her features.

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