Part 12

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I wake up to a dark room and a faint glow emitting from the edges of Mia's curtain-clad windows. In my tired state I realize it must be early because of the lack of more light than usual in the room, and the quietness surrounding me. Moving to stretch I feel that my arms, or rather, my entire body is obstructed and the events of last night flashed into my mind once again. I glanced over my shoulder to see Mia's hair sprawled all over the pillow. She is laying on her stomach, but her arm is still securely wrapped around my midsection; her legs intertwined with mine like the branches of an oak tree. The sinking feeling returned in a knot form within my stomach making my heart feel as though I was running a marathon. Of course my breathing then had to get shallower. I got frustrated with myself for possibly waking her up because of it.

Suddenly, I feel Mia's hand trail up my stomach and landing on my lower ribcage burning a path in its wake, just below where I craved her touch. Where her hands were last night. Her arm tightened slightly and I felt her use the momentum to drag her front to my back. 

"Come here," Mia mumbled out groggily as my body froze, stiffening as I felt her warmth invade me as she was now right against me and I was once again wrapped fully in her arms. I continued to lay in complete and utter shock, confused even, because I should be mad at her. I should be avoiding her or she should be upset at me even and wondering what the hell happened last night like I am. I feel her nuzzle her head towards mine, her lips ghosting over the back of my neck and it has quickly become all too much. 

She can't be doing this with me, cuddling with me, comforting me. Not after last night. Not after she lead me to believe she felt the same: that she wanted me-needed me-like I so desperately did only to turn around and say we were only friends. She can't when it is tearing me up inside and slicing closer and closer through the walls of my heart until it will be left as nothing more than scraps. 

I move as if I am caught on fire. I yank my body away from Mia's so fast it could have caused rug burn, a tingling across my skin in response. I scramble around the room grabbing my things off of the floor as I hear Mia shoot up in the bed.

"What hap-what are you doing? You don't have to go its early," Mia asks with confusion lacing her words heavily.

"Yeah I uh I'm just going to go...I want to get a start on my homework."

"On a Saturday," Mia says grabbing her phone, "At 6:32am..."

"Call me an academic weapon," I mumble out as I finally find my other shoe and make a quick exit out of her room. 

"Vada-" Mia groans out, scrambling to cover her bare legs in sweats and following close on my tail through the long halls of her house. 

"Can you please stop, why do you keep running away from me?" I hear her huff in annoyance.

"What Mia, what do you want to talk about this time? What could you possibly have to say to me that I haven't heard before?"

A frown appears on her face, her forehead creasing between her eyebrows. "I want to talk about last night...what happened-"

"Was a mistake? I know" I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

I felt her hand grab me tightly wiping me around, catching me off guard by the determination showing through her eyes and her hold on me.

"I-" she visibly swallows and closes her eyes for a moment. I can see that confidence she had for what she was going to say flicker in and out briefly. When her eyes open once again, I feel caught and stuck in my spot. Entranced by the indecipherable emotion swirling in her eyes now.

"I don't think it was a mistake."

Idontthinkitwasamistake Idontthinkitwasamistake Idontthinkitwasamistake Idontthinkitwasamistake Idontthinkitwasamistake Idontthinkitwasamistake

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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